Monday, September 30, 2019
Disease Process Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Health Essay
This assignment will discourse the pathophysiology of a disease procedure of chronic clogging pneumonic disease ( COPD ) . It will besides demo how biological, psychological and the societal facets of the disease that can hold an affect on an person ââ¬Ës twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life. COPD stands for chronic clogging pneumonic disease. This is a term used for a figure of conditions ; including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. COPD leads to damaged air passages in the lungs, doing them to go narrower and doing it harder for air to acquire in and out of the lungs. The word ââ¬Ëchronic ââ¬Ë agencies that the job is long-run. COPD is a status which chiefly affects people over the age of 40, and COPD has a higher prevalence happening among adult females than work forces ( NHS-Choices, 2008 ) . COPD is besides a status that is long term and incurable that can hold a serious affects on wellness and quality of life, its non to the full understood why COPD develops. ( Marieb, 2003 ) . The pupil will besides integrate local and national wellness and societal policies, including models that are in topographic point in relation to the patients unwellness. The pupil identified a patient named Mrs J. She was admitted to hospital due to aggravation of COPD. Her primary diagnosing is Osteoarthritis of the Hip but besides had symptoms of emphysema. Mrs J is a 55 twelvemonth old adult females and is married, Mrs J be sides has an older kid whom she has become rather dependent on and felt like she had impacted on her kid ââ¬Ës life and had become a hinderances. Mrs J has become more dyspneic as her status develops over clip and more so while she was lying in bed unable to transport out her day-to-day activities such as making the housekeeping, leisure activities, besides looking after her visual aspect as she usually would hold done at place. COPD is going one of the fastest prima causes of disablement ( NHS picks, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to British Lung Foundation, ( 2010 ) a recent study, 83 % of COPD patients said their COPD slows them down, 79 % said they had to cut down their activities and 56 % said their status has a great affect on their households. COPD is the most common respiratory conditions in grownups in the developed universe and poses an tremendous load to society both in footings of direct cost to the health care services and indirect costs to society through loss of productivene ss. Recent analysis estimated that National Health Service ( NHS ) spends ?818 million yearly in the United Kingdom ( UK ) . ( British Thoracic Society, 2006 ) . However 50 % of the cost is accounted for by ill managed aggravations ensuing in frequent re-admissions to infirmary ( Coakley & A ; Ruston, 2001 ) . Mrs J status would of been triggered by her heavy smoke, the toxins from her coffin nails has made her bronchioles ( airway and lungs ) become inflamed and contracting the air passage, this will take to irreversible harm to the respiratory system by blockading the bronchial air flow and impeding gaseous exchange within the air sac ( Munden, J, 2007 ) . Mrs J suffers from many symptoms due to her smoking these include shortness of breath, a relentless cough, xanthous green phlegm, marks of cyanosis to her lips, besides Mrs J has continued to smoke as she thinks the harm has already been done so her status. The huge bulk of COPD patients are tobacco users. By halting smoking patients can decelerate the rate of diminution in lung map and therefore better the patient ââ¬Ës chances in footings of symptoms and endurance. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence counsel on COPD provinces that ââ¬Å" All patients still smoking, irrespective of age, should be encouraged to halt, and offered aid to make so, at every chance. â⬠These present a little dosage of medical specialty to the lungs, doing the air passage musculuss to open up. Bronchodilators are besides effectual in forestalling over-expansion of the lungs. Short-acting beta2-agonists are the most normally used short moving bronchodilaors for COPD. Their effects last for approximately 4 hours. Short-acting antichloinergics are besides used as bronchodilators. Long-acting beta2-agonists are similar to the short-acting agonists described above but their consequence lasts for 12 hours. Lomg-acting anti-cholinergics need merely be taken one time a twenty-four hours. The NICE counsel recommends that short-acting bronchodilators should be used for the initial intervention for shortness of breath and exercising restriction and goes on to state that, if this is n't holding an consequence so the intervention should be intensified utilizing eith Er a long-acting bronchodilator or a combined therapy with a short moving beta2-agonist and a short-acting anticholinergic The respiratory system is the major portion for gases exchange to take topographic point, it allows takes the air that enters are organic structures when we inhale and travels through the respiratory system, interchanging O for C dioxide and expels C dioxide when we exhale ( munden, J, 2007 ) . In the NHS there is a tool to cipher the smoke burden and the battalions in a twelvemonth this tool is called smoking battalion tool, this was used to see the harm that Mrs J had caused by smoking for so many old ages. This is because the earnestness of the disease depends on how much and how long the person has smoked for. Mrs J has been smoking now for 45 old ages and on a mean twenty-four hours holding up to 40 coffin nails a twenty-four hours and is non prepared to discontinue as she feels the harm is already done. Mrs J fumes for comfort and feels that its all for her pleasance, she has become really stray, her chronic bronchitis makes her breathless when making actives and is non able to make her day-to-day activities hence is going depressed. Make this holding a immense impact on her mental and societal parts of her life. Patients with COPD have traditionally been divided intoA pink puffersA andA bluish bloatersA based on their physiological response to abnormal blood gases.A The former work hard to keep a normal pO2A which is why they puff off. They tend to hold a barrel-shaped, hyperinflated thorax and breath through pursed lips. The latter are bluish because of hypoxia and polycythaemia. They are frequently corpulent and have H2O keeping. This is why they are bloated. TheA bluish bloatersA are dependent upon hypoxia for their respiratory thrust and to give O and strip them of this will take to signficantA hypercapniaA and acerb base instability. Although this construct is widely taught and acknowledged academically, in clinical pattern patients tend non to be clearly in one or the other of these two classs ( NICE Clinical Guideline ( 2004 ) Patients like Mrs J with airflow restriction clinically they have become known as ââ¬Ëpink blowfishs ââ¬Ë and ââ¬Ëblue bloaters ââ¬Ë ( Kleinschmidt, 2008 ) . Mrs J falls under the term ââ¬Ëblue bloaters ââ¬Ë as she linked to chronic bronchitis due to cyanosis which is a bluish touch to the lips, which occurs from hapless gas exchange. ââ¬Ëpink blowfishs ââ¬Ë has been linked to emphysema as the patients may be demoing marks of weight loss, utilizing their accoutrement musculuss with pursed lips giving them a ruddy skin color, they may besides follow the tripod sitting place ( Kleinschmidt, 2008 ) . Although these conditions separate the patient may show with little fluctuations of them both, nevertheless they do distinguish through their implicit in procedure, marks and symptoms ( Bellamy & A ; Booker, 2004 ) . Air passages and air pouch within the lungs are manfully elastic, with the air we breath the lungs change form with inspiration they expand and return to the normal form after they have been stretched with air. Mucociliary clearance is an of import primary innate defence mechanism that protects the lungs from hurtful effects of inhaled pollutants, allergens, and pathogens. Mucociliary disfunction is a common characteristic of chronic air passage diseases in worlds. The mucociliary setup consists of three functional compartments, that is, the cilia, a protective mucous secretion bed, and an airway surface liquid ( ASL ) bed, which work in concert to take inhaled atoms from the lung. The nose and rhinal pit are composed of ciliated columnar epithelial tissue cells which contain goblet cells and cilia, the goblet cells are responsible for releasing mucous secretion which is able to pin down the finer atoms from inspired air and the cilia which are all right hairs that can pin down larger atoms. The cilia carry ââ¬Ës the atoms by a sweeping gesture this is swept to the oral cavity or intrude where it can so be swallowed, coughed or sneezed out of the organic structure in order to forestall these atoms from come ining the lungs ( Munden, J, 2007 ) . The two major beginnings of mucous secretion secernment in the respiratory piece of land are the surface epithelial goblet cells and mucose cells. In lungs, goblet cells are present in the big bronchial tube, going progressively thin toward the bronchioles. The submucosal secretory organs are restricted to the big air passages with their denseness diminishing with airway quality. In chronic respiratory diseases, such as COPD and asthma, submucosal secretory organs addition in size ( hypertrophy ) , and the figure of goblet cells is increased ( hyperplasia ) , going more dense in the peripheral air passages, via a phenotypic transition of nongoblet epithelial cells ( metaplasia ) ( Rogers, 1994 ; Jackson, 2001 ) . The increased of goblet cells denseness to ciliated cells in the bronchioles, under the conditions of hypersecretion, this impairs clearance of mucous secretion. Lung histology from patients affected by COPD and asthma besides shows the presence of hydrops, which can further cut down airway quality and via media lung map. A pronounced airway infiltration of macrophages and granulocytes is besides present, chiefly neutrophils in COPD and eosinophils in asthma ( Postma and Kerstjens, 1998 ) . In clinical surveies, these inflammatory parametric quantities have been shown to correlate with a decrease in lung map ( FEV1 ) and an overdone bronchoconstriction [ airway hyperreactivity ( AHR ) ] to nonspecific stimulations ( Postma and Kerstjens, 1998 ) . Smoking has many effects on the air passages. Inhaled fume destroys the cilia that are of import for traveling mucous secretion to the pharynx for get downing. As a consequence, mucous secretion accumulates in the bronchioles and irritates the sensitive tissues at that place, doing a cough. Coughing is critical as it is the lone manner tobacco users can take mucous secretion from their lungs and maintain the air passages clean ( Rubin, 2002 ) . This is characterised by the ââ¬Ësmoker ââ¬Ës cough ââ¬Ë . Changeless coughing to unclutter the phlegm has an consequence on the smooth musculus of the bronchioles which becomes hypertrophied ( enlarged or overgrown ) . This in bend causes more mucus secretory organs to develop. The goblet cells are replaced within the little air passages ( bronchial tube ) with Clara cells they are another signifier of releasing cell these are of import they form ciliated cells and to assist renew the bronchiolar epithelial tissue, they produce hypophase constituent and a peptidase inhibitor these aid protect the lungs by wipe uping up dust ( Stokley et al, 2006 ) .To accomplish gas exchange the lung has two constituents ; air passages and the air sac. The air passages are two ramifying cannular transitions that allow air to travel in and out of the lungs, the wider sections of the air passages are called the windpipe and the two bronchial tube traveling to the right and left lung. The smaller sections are called the bronchioles and at the terminal of the bronchioles are the air sac which are thin walled pouch like a clump of grapes ; little blood vass ( capillaries ) run in the walls of the air sac this is where gas exchange between air and blood takes topographic point. ( Matterporth & A ; Matfin, 2009 ) . Rogers, 1994 ; Jackson, 2001 Chronic clogging pneumonic disease, NICE Clinical Guideline ( 2004 ) ; A Management of chronic clogging pneumonic disease in grownups in primary and secondary attention COPD. BMJ Clinical Evidence.A, accessed 10 June 2009 Textbook of Medical Physiology ( 10th edition ) Guyton, A.C. and Hall, J.E. ( 2000 ) W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia ; London. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease ; September 2005. Britton M ; The load of COPD in the U.K. : consequences from the Confronting COPD study. ; A Respir Med.2003 Mar ; 97 Suppl C: S71-9. [ abstract ] Chronic clogging pneumonic disease, NICE Clinical Guideline ( 2004 ) ; A Management of chronic clogging pneumonic disease in grownups in primary and secondary attention Lacasse Y, Goldstein R, Lasserson TJ, et Al ; Pulmonary rehabilitation for chronic clogging pneumonic disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Oct 18 ; ( 4 ) : CD003793. [ abstract ] Barr RG, Bourbeau J, Camargo CA, et Al ; Inhaled tiotropium for stable chronic clogging pneumonic disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Apr 18 ; ( 2 ) : CD002876
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Basis of Economics
Japan has performed a miracle. The country's economic performance following its crushing defeat in World War II is nothing short of astounding. The economic expansion of Japan is second to none. All of the elements are in place for Japan to continue increasing its share of the world's wealth as America's gradually declines. The country is on track to becoming the world's largest economy. How did Japan do it? There are many theories and studies that have traced the Japanese miracle without success. The answer to the mystery can by examining Japan's culture, education, and employment system. Japan's success is not just a case of good technique and technology in business, but a real recognition and development of the necessary human skills. A better understanding of the Japanese society provides the framework to understanding the workings of Japanese business (and possibly the Japanese mind. ) The ayes of the Japanese provide a foundation for their economic adaptability in modern times. Japan is a culture where human relations and preservation of harmony are the most important elements in society. It is their sense of identity and destiny, which gives their industrial, machines its effectiveness. Among the Japanese, there exists an instinctive respect for institutions and government, for the rules of etiquette and service, for social functions and their rituals of business. Japan is a traditionally crowded island; the people are forced to share the limited space with each other and to live in harmony. The Japanese are very protective of their culture. They are very conservative to outside intrusion. Their distinctive ways are a source of pride and national strength. Japan's striving for purity is very different form a North American idea of open doors and diversity as strength. Accordingly, one of the main sources of Japan's strength is its people's willingness to sacrifice, to be regimented and homogenized, and to subordinate personal desires to the harmony of the working group. The Japanese people have had to become a group-oriented society. While in the western world, individuality and independence are highly valued, Japanese society emphasizes group activity and organization. The people accept that they will belong to one social group and work for one company for life. The crowded island conditions have driven society to value conformity. The culture that Japanese people are brought up in causes them to recognize that they have to work together to succeed. Only harmony will provide improvement. This development of the human nature and attitude relates directly to Japan's business practice and provides a basis for good business relations. Japan's education system has grabbed the world's attention as it is specifically designed to teach the children skills and aptitudes to give them an edge in the business world. The educational system, based on the principle of full equality of educational opportunity, is widely recognized as having greatly contributed to the prosperity of Japan by providing a highly qualified work force supplemented by extensive in training programs by many of the major employers. The primary and secondary educational system is probably the most comprehensive and most disciplined in the world. Where North American students attend school 175 days a year, Japanese students attend 240 days. Japanese students attend elementary and secondary school six days a week and for two months longer each year than North American students. In addition, they have long hours of homework. A large majority of Japanese students attend Juki, or preparatory schools, in the evenings and on Sundays. In higher education, while lacking the strong University system which exists in North America, the curriculum is equally rigorous, and Japan is graduating 75 000 engineers per year, 3 000 more than the U. S. , from a University population one fifth the size. The education system itself is a unifying force. It molds children into group oriented beings by demanding uniformity and conformity form the earliest ages. The attainment of excellence within this complex environment, and the importance it holds for one's future is stressed early. This emphasis places a great burden on the young to perform well in school a to earn admittance to high status universities. The public school system not only produces good, obedient citizens, it produces good workers. A willingness to give oneself to the corporation's best interest, to arrive early and stay late, and to produce good work is attributes learned in the Japanese schools. Those who cannot learn these skills do not do well in school or do not rise in the ranks of the corporate world. The education system is an excellent example of how the Japanese recognize and develop the necessary human skills that are needed in society and stressed in the business world.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Economic Impact of the Cocoa Industry Case Study
Economic Impact of the Cocoa Industry - Case Study Example It lies between Liberia and Ghana and borders the North Atlantic Ocean. Other neighboring countries are Mali and Burkina Faso in the north, Guinea in the east, and the Gulf of Guinea in the south. (Central Intelligence Agency) Its principal city is Abidjan, which is the economic and political capital of the country. Yamoussoukro is its official capital city. (Bureau of African affairs) Ivory coast plays a major role in the economic and political stability of the whole of Western Africa, with people from poorer neighboring countries relying on it to provide employment.Felix Houphouet-Boigny was the main political figure leading the rebuilding of the country after the World War II. Consequently, he became the countryââ¬â¢s president after it achieved independence in 1960. He motioned for the improvement of the conditions of the African farmers and other laborers. He believed that the path to African harmony was through gradual economic and political cooperation, recognizing the prin ciple of laissez faire in the internal relationships. The country began to prosper with the help and cooperation given by France. Up to now, France remains as one of the major markets of the country. In the 1980s the country's economy began to suffer as the population began to grow. This caused the decline in the countyââ¬â¢s standard of living. ââ¬Å"A failed coup in September 2002 left Cote dââ¬â¢Ivoire divided between a rebel-held north and government-controlled south transforming the country from a regional economic miracle to a conflict hot-spot.â⬠â⬠(IRIN) Today, the Ivory Coast is struggling to maintain economic and political vitality. Ivorian Economy Since the colonial period, the Ivorian economy is chiefly market based and depends a lot on the agricultural sector. Together with forestry, and fisheries, the three sectors account for a considerable part of the countryââ¬â¢s Gross Domestic Product and of exports. ââ¬Å"Almost 70% of the Ivorian people are involved in agricultural activity in one way or the otherâ⬠(Cote d'Ivoire). As a result, the countryââ¬â¢s economy fluctuates from time to time, depending on the international prices of its agricultural products, and productivity according to whether conditions. Its main products and exports are cocoa beans, coffee, and palm oil. Other principal exports are banana, cotton, pineapple, tuna, rubber, and tropical woods. Table 1 shows the ups and downs in Ivory Coastââ¬â¢s economy from 1980 up to 2005. Table 1 Gross Domestic Product and Dollar exchange rate of Ivory Coast from 1980 to 2005 (International Monetary Fund) Year Gross Domestic Product US Dollar Exchange 1980 2,121,163 211.27 Francs 1985 3,077,900 449.26 Francs 1990 2,939,400 272.26 Francs 1995 5,490,706 499.10 Francs 2000 7,416,793 709.87 Francs 2005 8,532,387 526.56 Francs Year 1990 has the lowest GDP although the CFA stands strong against the American Dollar. There was no drastic change in the economy until 1990. In the succeeding years, there was noticeable increase in the countryââ¬â¢s GDP, but the countryââ¬â¢s currency value decreased. Increase in GDP may be due to the countryââ¬â¢s oil produce. On the other hand, the slump of CFA Franc in 2000 is largely caused by loss of foreign investors and decrease in agricultural profit due to the civil war. ââ¬Å"To reduce the economic fluctuations caused by price variability, the government encourages diversification in export and intermediate processing of cocoa beansâ⬠. (Bureau of African affairs) ââ¬Å"Despite attempts by the government to diversify the economy, it is still largely dependent on agriculture and related activities, which engage roughly 68% of the populationâ⬠. (Wikimedia Foundation Inc.) The government continues to be optimistic that the
Friday, September 27, 2019
Gay marriages in colorado Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Gay marriages in colorado - Assignment Example However, about a month ago, news was circulating everywhere concerning the Colorado senateââ¬â¢s passage of a bill. The Colorado Civil Unions Act was to provide same sex couples civil unions with legal rights. These rights include the right for gays and lesbians to make medical decisions concerning their partners and right to obtain employee benefits as straight people do. Gay marriages have gained recognition in Colorado and the world at large with the advancement of gay unions. It has become acceptable to the point that there are wedding planners for gay marriages. Even the churches are acknowledging gay marriages and some like the First Presbyterian Church are considering officiating gay marriages. The topic is, however, still controversial and highly debated because not everyone has embraced the gay lifestyle. An example is the Colorado Springs, which is a member of the Presbyterian Church. It is threatening to pull out of the Presbyterian Church, should the main church embrac e the gay culture and accept gay
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Change Management process Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Change Management process - Coursework Example In addition accept changes in the current business environment and embracing the desired change. Organizational change is a planned approach for ensuring smooth transition and successfully implementation of change (Hayes 150). The business needs to keep changing to remain relevant in the industry. Changes in the organization are brought about by internal and external factors of the business. According to Jabri (20) internal drivers to change in any business include: To compete effectively, it is mandatory at times for businesses to change their strategies. Adjustment in business strategies is in response to external environments. These adjustments may involve changing some fundamental approaches by the business like the target market. Structural changes in the business may involve changing the hierarchy of authority. These changes are influence by internal and external factors. All changes in the management of the business are structural. Structural changes may involve change in management or change in simple polices in the organization. The business may be forced to reengineer its processes to optimize on productivity. The introduction of the machine in the business is one way of changing the process. This internal driver influences only organizationââ¬â¢s with production processes. SolarTech Ltd. is influenced by this type of driver. Restructuring of the organization is crucial to benefit from new technologies. The main goal for any organization is minimizing costs and maximizing revenue. According to Treat (160), technology helps maximizing output while minimizing inputs. With that in mind the organization changes its structure for the new technologies to save labour costs. The introduction of the new machine is due to this driver to change. This is a modern internal driver to change. The tradition notion of ââ¬Ëgoing to workââ¬â¢ has changed drastically in many organizations. A recent survey has shown
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Fast Food Restaurant and Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fast Food Restaurant and Obesity - Essay Example 1. The fast food industry spends billion dollars in advertising their products. These adverts manipulate teenagers who increase their spending on food. As a result, they end up consuming junks of food, which may lead to obese conditions. 2. Legal practitioners have realized that the food restaurants are increasingly changing their marketing strategies and introducing healthier products because of guilt (Willensky 309). III. Second Main Point A. 1. Teenagers should be blamed for obesity. It is their responsibility to identify the type of food to eat and of what quantity. 2. Parents should be responsible for their childrenââ¬â¢s health status. They advice their children to take much of home-made food than fast foods. B. 1. Advertisements encourage teenagers to eat junk food 2. Parents have no time to care for their children, and prepare all meals at home. III. Third Main Point C. Fast food restaurants are to be blamed if their food causes problem due to low standards. D. Teenagers are to be blamed if they fail to control their diet. Their parents should also be held responsible for failing to advice their children on the type of food to eat. 1. Fast food restaurant is both responsible and irresponsible for obesity. 2. Children are responsible for watching over their diets, but adverts allure them to eat junk food. 3. Food industry is held responsible for failing to meet the set standards. B. Food industry should not be blamed for obesity and its related health conditions since it is the responsibility of all American to watch over their diets.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Case Management Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Case Management Strategies - Essay Example Qualification in case management is the provision that requires case managers and support staff to have the necessary expertise to handle cases. Caseload size involves the magnitude of cases that requires handling at the same time by the manager and the support staff. Support staff is other staff members such as nurses, social workers who assist the manager in handling patient cases. Training and education in case management is offered to the staff members to equip them with skills and knowledge required to handle client cases. Finally, supervision entails following up on the patient to ensure that they are doing what is prescribed by the intervention program. 2. Intake is the initial step in case management. In this part, I would only ask the client their name, the problems they have and who referred them among other basic questions. In the assessment part, I would evaluate the clientââ¬â¢s condition by exploring the historical background to his/her problem and knowing all the dimensions of the problem. Next will be explaining to the client the services I provide and discuss the contract including issues of informed consent. The next step would be goal setting where in collaboration with the patient, we would set attainable and appropriate goals. This would be followed up by the intervention planning, which is the actual action of implementing helpful strategies (Cameron & Turtle-Song, 2002). In case the case I am handling requires a referral, I will refer the patient to helpful social networks and agencies for assistance. Then, I will continuously monitor the progress of the client to ensure that all the goals are met. In re-assessme nt, it would be about evaluating whether the goals of the strategy have been met. Finally, the outcome evaluation would involve meeting the outcomes against the goals set at the beginning of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Marketing Plan - Essay Example Using the case of Shangri-la hotel, this study will highlight the specific branding and brand positioning strategies used by this particular hotel company. In relation to the need to serve the price-sensitive customers a.k.a. the brand switchers, this study discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using a separate brand name. At the end of this study, the bsuiness benefits associated with the use of brand extension strategies were tackled in details. Shangri-la is one of the most well-established hotel brands worldwide. In 1971, the first Shangri-La hotel was built in Singapore (Shangri-La, 2013a). Eventually, the company decided to expand its business operation in other countries. Throughout the entire Asia Pacific region, Europe, North America and the Middle East, Shangri-La hotels and resorts own at least 72 five-star hotels under the brand name Shangri-La (Kuhm, 2011; Shangri-La, 2013b). With the use of brand extension, the company is using the brand name ââ¬Å"Kerryâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Tradersâ⬠to serve the hotel needs of people who are more price conscious (Kuhm, 2011). Branding is more than just the use of a company name, logo, or a trademark (Kotler, 2000, p. 404). In response to the business success of Shangri-la Hotel as a brand, this report will focus on discussing and analyzing how this particular company was able to create competitive advantage with the use of effective branding strategies. As part of going through the main discussion, this report will first discuss the branding strategies used by Shangri-la Hotel and how this company was able to benefit from its branding strategies. Eventually, this report will tackle the significance of branding and brand positioning in the contemporary international tourism. Prior to conclusion, this report will identify and discuss potential problems or limitations which may have impede the business success of Shangri-la Hotel. Based on the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Fire Protection system Essay Example for Free
Fire Protection system Essay Aqueous and non- aqueous agents employed in fire service means the use of such substance in the fire service work which helps in fast control and quick remedial measures against the broken out. Substantially non- aqueous, plastic, high magnesium oxide are used so that materials remain fluid over longtime providing for easy workability and require no addition of water prior to use. In the same manner aqueous substance in form of concentrated ammonium salt containing binder and viscosity agent are used by fire service provider to prevent wildfires. For decreasing the toxicity of the chemicals used in fire service organization, non- aqueous and aqueous fluid is used to provide easy control over heavy fire. Nonââ¬âaqueous compositions are used containing an amount of volatile silicon which helps to maintain waterproof composition than previous conventional non- aqueous substance used by fire service provider. In recent time various aqueous mixtures containing tricalcium phosphate are used as it is experienced that when the mixture is used fire os frequently extinguished and even the fire did not catch up readily. Aqueous substances are treated as fire control agent as it has great adhesive power when applied to extinguish fire. Aqueous film foaming foam is a special type of foam stabilizer which is diluted with water and exclude air from mixing the water and thereby suppressing the fire. Various factors are to be considered while selection of an agent by fire service provider as it directly and indirectly affects the decision. The fire agencies need to take help and identified the problem of reduction in fuel, cost sharing efforts and wild land fire problems. Fire agencies should take necessary action to meet the fire expenditure cost and to respond to fire areas at fast speed. Fire service providers have to base their decision on the chances of fire broke out, fuels available in form of various chemicals, devices or material needed, air tanker having with the company , their capacity , any agency, state or government organization participating, location or fire station and flame resistant synthetic fabric used in fire fighting. These fire serviceââ¬â¢s should comply while selecting or appointing any agent and it can be done after adopting the following procedures such as record keeping system, providing instructions at regular interval, risk assessment, inspection or regular review of guidelines to make it more meaningful, cleaning and decontamination procedure, preparing policy for repair and in the same way for store. With the adoption of above mentioned methodology the agent selected should be more beneficial for specific fire and thus more efficient development of fire service agent. REFERENCE Referred to sites: 1. http://scofmp. org/glossary. html Glossary of Wild land Fire Terms 2. http://www. tcfp. state. tx. us/standards/SOP_template. asp Standards and Certification Compliance Template for Newly Required SOPs 3. http://www. patentstorm. us/patents/6345632-description. html Method of cleaning and passivating a fire protection system Dated 23rd August 2007
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Show manliness Essay Example for Free
Show manliness Essay How does A View from the Bridge show manliness, hostility and aggression? In the play A View from the Bridge Eddie Carbone plays the protagonist. Eddie has a very particular view of what it means to be a man and in this sense is the main example of manliness, hostility and aggression in the play. Manliness, hostility and aggression are a big part of existence and of living in the play. Arthur Miller creates this by using the characters against each other, always challenging each one then the other. Throughout the play the audience are reminded of Eddies manliness and what he believes to be manly. The audience are fed an idea of what Eddie presumes to be manliness right from the start of the play. Catherine has just told Eddie that she has got a job as a stenographer, but Eddie thinks that she should stay at school. Catherine then uses the argument that shell be earning $50 a week. Eddie reacts angrily to this look did I ask you for money and then claims, I supported you this long I can support you a little more this gives the indication that Eddie believes that a man should be supporting the family and should go out of his way to make sure his niece doesnt need to go to work. Eddie then gives his views of manliness by judging Rodolfos way of living in an argument with Beatrice about Rodolfos friendliness with Catherine. Beatrice thinks he is a nice boy but Eddie doesnt like him because he sings on the ships, didja know that he then goes on to say that the other men think the same way as him because theyre callin him paper doll, theyre callin him Canary. Hes like a weird Beatrice then argues with Eddie that he is adjusting to American life but Eddie begins to compare him to his brother Marco why dont his brother sing Marco goes around like a man; nobody kids Marco. This is showing that Marco is what he views as a man and Rodolfo isnt. Later Eddie talks to Alfieri, his lawyer, about what he can do to stop Rodolfo seeing/marrying Catherine. He tells Alfieri the guy aint right he claims that the fact that Rodolfo is a blond guy and if you close the paper fist you could blow him over This is saying that to be manly a man should not only act like a man but must look like a man. This is backed up when he says that Rodolfo sings like a woman sometime he hits a note I mean high and if you came in the house you wouldnt be lookin for a him you be lookin for her Eddie keeps on complaining about how Rodolfo makes dresses and a man shouldnt be making dresses he should be buying them he takes the dress cuts it up; one-two-three he makes a new dress. In Act two Eddie shows again what it means to be a man. He fights Rodolfo and pins his arm. Catherine is watching and he is trying to show her that Rodolfo isnt a man because he cant break Eddies grip. He then tells Alfieri about it and explains why Rodolfo isnt a man Im tellin you I know he aint right. Somebody that dont want to break your grip can break it he didnt give me the right kind of fight Mr Alfieri the guy aint right. This is showing that Eddie believes that a man should be strong and if he wants to protect his woman he should fight for her. Eddies views on manliness cause a lot of conflict throughout the play. The first instance of this is when Eddie criticises Catherines new dress I think its too short he then goes on to say that Catherines walkin wavy. This is showing that Eddie doesnt want men to be perving over her and this causes conflict as Catherine is young and immature and doesnt realise that the men are like that. The next instance of Eddies views causing a conflict is when Catherine tells him shes got a job. Straight away Eddie is on the offensive, or what could be called an offensive defence, when he says NO-NO you gonna finish school Catherine tries to calm him down but Eddie continues, You cant take no job. Why didnt you ask me Eddie begins to calm down when he finds out she hasnt accepted the job yet, but becomes strangely nervous and continues to cause conflict with abrupt answers and repudiating any attempt to sway him. This again shows that his views that a man should provide for his family and woman should do what there told causes even more conflict. It is not only Catherine that Eddie causes conflicts with; he can even cause a conflict with Rodolfo when hes not there. This happens when Rodolfo is at the pictures with Catherine and Beatrice makes a comment that Rodolfo is a nice kid Eddie reacts aggressively to this he gives me the heebie-jeebies and starts insulting the way Rodolfo acts and that its not manly he sings on the ships theyre callin him, Canary this is showing that when someone doesnt conform to his views on masculinity he wont hold back in saying so. Throughout A View from the Bridge Rodolfo fails over and over again to conform to Eddies image of masculinity a pivotal moment of this is when he starts to sing paper doll just minutes after arriving. Eddie thinks that your clothes, the way you look, music and seeing sites isnt that important where as this is all Rodolfo seems to spend his money on. This leads to a pivotal and dramatic event in the play when Eddie comes home drunk to find that Catherine and Rodolfo have been in the bedroom together he immediately thinks the worst and tells Rodolfo to get out of his house. Catherine argues with him and then decides that she has to leave as well but Eddie grabs her. Rodolfo reacts angrily to this and flies at Eddie in attack. To this Eddie pins him to the floor and unexpectedly kisses him. Eddie gets up with tears rolling down his face and laughs, mocking Rodolpho. This is a big moment as it is the first time Eddie as acted to back up his displeasure of the way Rodolfo has acted but it evidently hasnt helped his cause of getting Catherine to split up with him and has in fact caused more of a friction between himself and Catherine. Marco, Rodolfos brother, is the complete opposite of Rodolfo and portrays a conventionally masculine appearance. For this reason Eddie is more partial to Marco than Rodolfo and quite often ignores Rodolfo and addresses Marco even when the two of them are together. Arthur Miller uses Marcos manliness as a climatic moment on more than one occasion. For example at the end of Act One Marco and Eddie have a test of strength. One may presume that Eddie would be the one to challenge Marco but on the contrary it is Marco who initiates the challenge as a show of strength, power and masculinity. He does this because Eddie had taught Rodolfo how to box as an excuse to fight him and therefore proof his manliness. Marco does the same thing with the test of strength because after Eddie cant lift the chair Marco doesnt laugh or rub it in his face and just lifts the chair without emotion and then again without emotion looks Eddie in the eye chair raised above his head and gives a defiant warning for Eddie to keep away from his brother. Arthur Miller uses Marcos manliness again to as a climax to the play. The play ends with Marco pressing a knife into Eddies chest and without emotion lets him fall to the ground still clutching the knife that has ended his life. This gives a dramatic end to the play and shows that although Eddie was always critical of others when they werent manly and strong, the fact that he wasnt man enough and strong enough ended his life.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The mechanical and electromagnetic wave
The mechanical and electromagnetic wave Introduction A wave is a moving disturbance that transports energy from one place to another without transporting matter. Any wave is characterized as sort of disturbance that travels away form its sources. There are two examples of waves, mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. Mechanical waves travelling through a material medium, such as water waves, sound waves and the seismic waves caused by earthquakes. Particles in the medium are disturbed from their equilibrium positions as the wave passes, returning to their equilibrium positions after the wave passed. Electromagnetic wave such as radio waves and light waves which has the disturbance consists of oscillating electromagnetic fields. Two of our five human senses are wave detectors: the ear is sensitive to the tiny fluctuations in air pressure caused by compression waves in air, which is sound whereas the eye is sensitive to electromagnetic waves in a certain frequency length that is light. (Richardson 2004). The examples of mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave Mechanical wave One of the examples of mechanical wave is sound wave.How does a sound wave be created? First, the disturbance from one location to another which carried by any medium. By far, the most familiar case is sound in a gas such as air. Second, there is a unique source of the wave. The vibrating object which creates the disturbance could be the string of a violin or guitar, vocal chords of a person, tuning fork, etc. Third way is particle-to-particle-interaction. If the sound wave is moving through the air, it will pull or push its nearest neighbors, causing a disturbance of its nearest neighbors. (National Science Digital Library Science, 2003). Besides, seismic wave is an example of mechanical wave. Seismic wave is a result of an earthquake, explosion or some others process that give out force. There are several different kinds of seismic waves, and they all move in different ways. There are two main types of seismic waves; they are body wavesandsurface waves. Body waves propagate into the body of the Earth. On the other hand, surface waves can only move along the surface of the Earth. Those are similar to water waves on the surface of a lake. Earthquakes radiate seismic energy as both body and surface waves. (Michele, n.d.). Seismic waves carry energy released by an earthquake to other parts of the Earth, sometimes with devastating results. Electromagnetic waves à à à à à à à à There are lot types of electromagnetic waves. The one of the examples, radio waves which is used to carry conventional radio and television signals as well as signals for some cell phones and pagers. In addition, microwaves, X-Rays and gamma rays are also types of the electromagnetic spectrum. Microwaves in ovens carry energy from their source to the food. (Richardson 2004). Gamma rays are not only produced in nuclear power plants and the Sun, but also reach the Earth from the sources outside our solar system. The radiation people are able to detect by eyes falls into the rather narrow frequency range. This radiation is called visible light. Proceeding to frequencies above the range of visible light is ultraviolet light. The tragedy caused by wave The earthquake struck in Hanshin is caused by seismic waves which was the worse to hit Japan since the great Kanto earthquake of 1923. The 7.2-magnitude GreatHanshinEarthquake of 1995 hit the Kobe area at 5:46 a.m. on Tuesday, January 17, leaving in its wake more than 5200 deaths, 30,000 injured, 300,000 homeless, and 110,000 buildings damaged. (Fukushima 1995). How did the earthquake cause great devastation at locations many kilometers away? Seismic waves travel away from the focus of an earthquake both through the Earth (body waves) and along the Earths crust (surface waves), transporting vibrations and energy. However, the material through which the waves travel is not transported. Most earthquake damage is caused by seismic waves rather than caused by fault movement. In the Hanshin earthquake, damage to the buildings was caused by seismic waves at distances over 100km from the epicenter, but the motion of the vibrating particles in the ground never moved than about 1.5m. (Giambattista 2004) Optical phenomena (Atmospheric optics) The unique wave properties of the atmosphere cause a wide range of spectacular optical phenomena. One common example would be therainbow, when light from the sun is reflected and refracted by water droplets. Some, such as thegreen ray and Fata Morgana are so rare they are sometimes thought to be mythological.(John 2006) Why is the sky blue and not violet? The Rayleigh scattering of light by molecules in the atmosphere gets stronger as the wavelength decreases. We have claimed that this scattered of light gives the sky its blue light, so why isnt the sky violet instead? Two factors combine to make the sky blue instead of violet. First, the Sun emits more strongly in the blue than in the violet range (according to Fig.1). Second, peoples eyes are more sensitive to blue light to violet light. Hence, even though violet light scattered more strongly than blue light, people still perceive the sky is blue. (Nicholas, n.d.) Wiens Law: Hotter objects emit most of their radiation at shorterwavelengths; hence they will appear to bebluer. Cooler objects emit most of their radiation atlonger wavelengths; hence they will appear to beredder.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Pablo Picasso and Cubic Art Essay -- Visual Arts
Hindu believes women are creator, caretaker, destroyer and a lover. Such beliefs are common in both eastern culture and western tradition that can be seen represented in different canvases of many famous artists. From renaissance Michelangelo Angelo to abstract Pablo Picasso, artists have always painted women in different circles of life explaining different paradox of emotional feelings, spiritual beliefs, and physical representations. Explaining such themes in balanced form and in limited canvases was not possible without abstract thinking and imaginative hard work. Such trend in art can be seen in artwork of different famous artists, which they created as per their thoughts and desire broadening meaning of visual arts pouring the spices of science and technology. Keeping in harmony with colors was an important task to explain women's behavior as wells as making artwork acceptable to every body. Crossing the social boundaries and limitations would only bring void and controversy in the created artwork, which can happen by wrong use of color or wrong presentation of women's image. But for the artists like Pablo Picasso explaining the things without any boundaries and social limitations was the important thing first. Since the artwork he created have crossing boundaries both culturally and artistically, a viewer can have broader perspectives and critical analysis of life, death, and desire or the morality as well as science and technology or fiction. Picasso explains all these things in one artwork called "Girl Before the Mirror", Oil on canvas, 5'4" X 4'3." "Girl Before the Mirror" is created in 1932 and it is said that the girl in the painting is his at the time girl friend Marie Therese Walter. No matter who is drawn in... ... in different parts of the painting "Girl Before a Mirror", and in the same manner "Shiva as Half Man and Half Woman" also covers the same range and perspective of beliefs and diversities. Therefore, both artworks radiates the same theme generated by the simplicity of the ideas nourished by abstract thinking connecting the human beliefs to the imaginative world of desire and emotions though they are philosophically and ideologically different by the use of different colors for different themes. It also shows the similarities in humane thinking between two cultures that are religiously and culturally different and so apart. (Heller) Work Cited Cassidy, David C. Einstein And Our World. 2nd ed. New York: Humanity Books, 2004 Freeman, Julian. Art: A Crash Course. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1998 Heller, Nancy G. Women Artists. 4th ed. New York: Abbeville, 2003
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Civil War :: essays research papers
The Civil War On paper the North was far stronger than the South. It had two and a half times as many people, and it possessed far more ships, miles of railroad, and manufacturing enterprises. Southerners, however, had the advantage of fighting on home ground with better military leadership. But Union superiority in manpower was not so great as the gross figures suggest. Half a million people scattered from Dakota to California, could make no substantial contribution to Union strength. And every year Union regiments were sent to the West to fight Indians. Hundreds of thousands of Americans in loyal border states and in southern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois worked or fought for southern independence. Though, every state furnished men for the other side, there was little doubt that more Federals than Confederates "crossed over." The South had superior officer personnel. For twenty years before Lincoln's inauguration, southern officers had dominated the U.S. Army. Another source of southern confidence was cotton. Secession leaders expected to exchange that staple for the foreign manufactured goods they needed. The South's most important advantage was that it had only to defend relatively short interior lines against invaders who had to deal with long lines of communication and to attack a broad front. The Confederacy also had no need to divert fighting men to tasks such as garrisoning captured cities and holding conquered territory. In a short war, numerical superiority would not have made much of a difference. As the war continued, however, numerical strength became a psychological as well as a physical weapon. During the closing years of the conflict, Union armies, massed at last against critical strongholds, suffered terrible casualties but seemed to grow stronger with every defeat.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
College Comp
What did you learn about yourself as a writer? As a thinker? This term I learned as a writer, that I have to break the writer's block but Just free writing and getting all my ideas out there and going back to edit my work. As a thinker I learned how to think and us correct punctuation and to also think about what I am writing and does it make sense. This course has been very beneficial to me, and I will continue to use the skills I have retained throughout my college/professional career. 2)What did you learn about the process of writing?I learned that the process of writing is a Journey. You have to want to embark on the journey to accomplish it and complete the task at hand. Writing a good paper is more than Just throwing words on paper, it critically thinking and executing the process of writing 3)What skills did you develop that might help you in the future? One of the most important skills I have learned is outlining. This has helped me this term to complete my final project. I w ill use this in future writing classes and in my career when writing. 4)What did you take from the larger conversation with others?I learned for the conversation with my classmates how to give constructive criticism as well take the criticism and make the corrections and ensure the end result is great. 5)How did your feedback from peers and your instructor affect the revision of your blueprint, letter to the editor, and presentation? The feedback that I received from my class mated and professor were so helpful in my Journey through this course. They helped me take out UN-useful text, and gave me ideas of where to add text to give my final project the girth it needs to hold my audience's attention.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Juvenile Corrections Essay
Juvenile corrections encompasses the portions of the criminal justice system that deal with juvenile offenders. Many of these facilities and programs seem to mirror jails and prisons, but juvenile corrections are not meant for long term sentences. Sometimes sentences for juveniles are only several weeks long. Juvenile corrections also have a strong focus on rehabilitation because studies have shown that juvenile offenders are more prone to rehabilitation than adult offenders. These programs and services were aimed to help to teach these youthful offenders how to better deal with situations and how to avoid entering the into the criminal justice system again. (wisegeek) The judges who handle these juvenile cases specialize in working with juvenile offenders and their crimes. Others who specialize in juvenile crime are a part of the juvenile corrections system as well. This includes social workers, probation officers, as well as others. Their aim is usually not to punish the juveniles alone, but to use the punishment as a way to rehabilitate them as well. (USLegal) Historical Background of Juvenile Corrections The origins of juvenile corrections are not entirely clear. Juvenile and adult offenders have been treated differently for some time, but what ages are considered to be juvenile has changed over time. The United Statesââ¬â¢ perspective on juvenile ages and law was greatly influenced by English law. In the 1700s, William Blackstone, an English lawyer, published his Commentaries on the Laws of England, where he identified that young persons are incapable of committing crime. Generally, anyone under of the age of seven was incapable of committing crime. Any child over the age of 14 was able to be tried as an adult. Children between the ages of 7 and 14 are a gray area, but were generally not held accountable for their actions unless it could be shown that they knew what was right or wrong. Punishments for being found guilty of crime included the death penalty, even for juvenile offenders. (ABA, 2011) The juvenile corrections system began to change and be reformed in the nineteenth century. ââ¬Å"Social reformers began to create special facilities to rehabilitate troubled juveniles, especially in large citiesâ⬠, (ABA, 2011, p 5). These reformers stated that they wanted to protect these juvenile offenders by keeping them separate from the adult populations because they were better able to be rehabilitated. The first court system for juveniles in the United States started in 1899 in Illinois. These courts also aimed to rehabilitate the juvenile offenders. They had juvenile court systems in most states by 1824. The courts became the ââ¬Å"guardiansâ⬠of the juvenile offenders, or their ââ¬Å"parens patriaeâ⬠. These court proceedings were considered to be civil matters and not considered to be criminal matters. Their basic focus was on rehabilitating the juvenile offenders. (ABA, 2011) The juvenile courts changed again in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1967, the case of Gerald in In re Gault, the Supreme Court granted many juveniles some, but not all, due process rights in the course of their court proceedings. This included the right to be notified of their pending charges, the right to have an attorney, the right to protect themselves against self-incrimination, and the rights to confront and cross-examine their witnesses. Three years later, in In re Winship, the Court also established that the accused must be proven guilty ââ¬Å"beyond a reasonable doubtâ⬠. In 1971, in McKeiver v. Pennsylvania, the Courts ruled that juries are not required for juvenile proceedings. In most cases, the judge in charge of the juvenile corrections department will hear the case, judge the offender, and sentence the offender. (ABA, 2011) Recidivism Rates in Juvenile Corrections When it comes to measuring a correctional agencyââ¬â¢s facilities and programs, recidivism rates are most frequently used. These rates guide spending and funding decisions aimed to effectively combat crime. While there is no standard rate that is aimed for, the idea is to try to reduce the recidivism rate or even keep it the same opposed to raising it. When the recidivism rates are not progressing in the manner expected, these agencies must try to find other avenues and strategies that will make a positive impact on the recidivism rates, and in the long run, these juvenileââ¬â¢s lives. (CJCA, 2011) ââ¬Å"The Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) defines recidivism as a return to incarceration within three years of the offenderââ¬â¢s date of release from a state correctional institution.â⬠(Schelle, 2012) The 2011 recidivism rate for all juvenile offenders was 36.7%. The recidivism rate for African American juvenile offenders was 43.8%. Eighty-two percent of the juveniles who recidivated did so with a new crime, and the other 18% returned because of technical violations. ââ¬Å"Of all juveniles released in 2008, 40.9% of males returned to IDOC, while only 15.8% of females returned,â⬠(Schelle, 2012). Surprisingly, juvenile sex offenders had the lowest recidivism rate at 13.6%. (Schelle, 2012) Risk-Focused Juvenile Crime Prevention Risk factors for juvenile delinquency have been identified from multiple studies. These risk factors are different for older and younger juveniles. When focusing on the individual juvenile between the ages of 6-11, delinquency risk factors include; being male, having a low IQ, having antisocial attitudes and beliefs, dishonesty, having medical and physical problems, hyperactivity, exposure to television violence, petty offenses, having poor attitude and performance at school, and substance use. In this same age group, the childââ¬â¢s family environment can also include risk factors as well. Some of these risk factors are; being in a low socioeconomic status or poverty, having antisocial parents, having poor relationships, receiving harsh or inconsistent discipline, having a broken home, being separated from their parents, and having abusive or neglectful parents. (Przybylski, 2008) For children between the ages of 12 and 14, the individual risk factors include; general offenses, having a low IQ, displaying antisocial behavior, committing crimes against others, using physical violence, being male, displaying risk taking behaviors, displaying aggression, having low concentration, restlessness, and general offenses. Other factors also include having a poor attitude in school, academic failure, having weak social ties, and gang membership. Living in a community with high neighborhood crime, drugs, and disorganization are also factors. In this same age group, the childââ¬â¢s family environment can also include risk factors as well. Some of these risk factors are; lax or harsh discipline by parents, lack of adult or parental supervision, lack of parental involvement, having antisocial parents, having poor relationships, coming from a broken home, living in poverty, being abused, and experiencing family conflict. With all of these risk factors being mentioned, ââ¬Å"It is important to recognize that risk factors cannot be used to identify which particular children will grow up to be offenders,â⬠(Przybylski, 2008, p 84). There are also protective factors that may help counter-act the risk factors mentioned above. These include the individual juvenile; having a strong attitude or being intolerant toward deviance, having a higher IQ, being female, having more positive social skills and orientation, and understanding the sanctions for any transgressions. Some familial protective factors include; having warm, strong, and supporting relationships with caregivers, good monitoring by parents, and the general support of the juvenileââ¬â¢s friends by the juvenileââ¬â¢s parents. Other protective factors include; the juvenile being committed to their education, gaining recognition for extracurricular activities, and having friends who are also against deviant behavior. (Przybylski, 2008) What Rehabilitation Efforts Work for Juveniles and Which Do Not There has been much research on what programs work to rehabilitate juvenile offenders. The general results have been that the majority of the programs have no real effect on the juvenile recidivism rate aside from a few exceptions. The reason why juveniles have lower recidivism rates is believed to be because juveniles are not completely aware of the ramifications of their actions and do not always understand the true damage they inflict on their victims. (Lieb, 1994) The results of multiple studies indicate several approaches to rehabilitation that do not work. Those include; visiting a probation officer one time per month, diagnostic assessments, behavior modification for any complex behaviors, broad discussion groups, attending school as a single approach, field trips, work programs, psychodynamic counseling, and therapeutic camping trips. The research used 50 different juvenile correctional programs and came to the conclusion that the results were, ââ¬Å"far from encouraging,â⬠and ââ¬Å"correctional treatment has little effect on recidivism,â⬠(Lieb, 1994, p 5). The results showed that some behavioral approaches received more positive results. An analysis used 90 residential and community programs for juvenile offenders. The analysis concluded that, ââ¬Å"Behavior approaches had the most success in reducing recidivism although the effects were so small that ââ¬Å"they could not reject the null hypothesis.â⬠Group therapy and transactional analysis programs were more likely to produce negative effects,â⬠(Lieb, 1994, p 5). What does seem to work is using correctional treatment and service utilizing three principles that include; getting service to the high-risk juveniles, paying attention to the risk factors mentioned above, and using different styles of treatment depending on the needs and learning styles of the individual juvenile offender. (Lieb, 1994) References ABA. (2011, June 29). The History of Juvenile Justice. Retrieved November 29, 2012, from American Bar Association: CJCA. (2011). Recidivism Committee. Retrieved December 2, 2012, from Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators: Lieb, R. (1994). Juvenile Offenders: What Works? ; A Summary of Research Findings. The Evergreen State College. Olympia: Washington State Institute for Public Policy. Przybylski, R. (2008). What Works; Effective Recidivism Reduction and Risk-Focused Prevention Programs. Denver: RKC Group. Schelle, S. (2012). Juvenile Recidivism 2011. Indianapolis: Indiana Department of Correction. USLegal. (n.d.). Juvenile Corrections Law & Legal Definition. Retrieved November 22, 2012, from wisegeek. (n.d.). What is Juvenile Corrections? Retrieved November 22, 2012, from
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Online Marketing Essay
In todayââ¬â¢s world, marketing research has begun to use the Internet and popular social networking sites such as, Facebook and Twitter, to gather personal information of all users. Itââ¬â¢s becoming a lot easier for companies to connect directly with customers and collect individual information that goes into a computer database. This information can also be matched to other websites and share data collected during unrelated transactions. There are ethical and technical considerations that need to be addressed on how companies conduct its market research. Two major examples of ethical considerations of online marketing are privacy and confidentiality. Many online consumers try to avoid anything that will result in invading their privacy, but many companies tend to do that without the consumerââ¬â¢s knowledge. A company can easily have the ability to collect and store information relating to a consumer that can violate their right to privacy. The companies use this information to target certain advertising to that consumer, but the constant targeting can put a strain on the privacy of the consumer and start to result in a breach of confidentiality. Businesses are constantly sharing consumerââ¬â¢s information with partners or other affiliates to precisely target them with certain services or products they offer. Some companies sell the information to outside companies to make extra money that will lead to more strain on your privacy or even worse, identity theft. The most important example of technical consideration of online marketing is security. Security is the number one issue in a consumerââ¬â¢s mind when they need to use personal information to purchase or do anything online that requires that information. Hackers and viruses can lead to personal information on any database to be sold and used to wreak havoc on innocent consumers. Viruses can be used through E-mail or websites to hack into the businesses or consumerââ¬â¢s computer and track or steal sensitive information that can be given to a hacker at any time. Hackers can then sell that information to anyone or use it for their own benefit to ruin the reputation of that consumer. For example, hackers can use the personal information of the consumer to steal their identity and purchase things without the knowledge of the consumer and the consumer will be at fault for anything the hacker does. This continues to be an ongoing problem in the online world and something that businesses need to be very cautious about when dealing with personal information that was given from a consumer through trust in the companyââ¬â¢s integrity online. As online marketing is becoming more popular daily around the world, companies need to realize the ethical and technical considerations that play a role on the abundance of consumerââ¬â¢s personal information they have. Businesses rely on precise online marketing to make the most profit with as little effort as possible, but they also need to focus on the consumerââ¬â¢s personal needs. Privacy, confidentiality, and security are the most important topics when it comes to personal information being stored and shared online. Without taking the time to address and resolve these issues, companies can scare away consumers from revealing certain information that helps their business grow and become successful. References Masters, T. (n.d.). Ethical Considerations of Marketing Research. Retrieved from Sullivan, B. (Dec 6). Online privacy fears are real. Retrieved from
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Theme Analysis ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ by Oscar Wilde
ââ¬ËNineteenth Century Short Stories' is a collection of tales from the nineteen hundreds. This essay will concentrate on just one of these stories. It will include a thorough analysis of the story including my views and opinions towards the language, imagery and setting that the author uses. The story I have chosen to analyse is ââ¬ËThe Nightingale and the Rose', by Oscar Wilde. This is one of many children's stories that he wrote, as he is well known to have ââ¬Ëused the form of fairy tale to reflect on modern life and to debate ideas'. ââ¬ËThe Nightingale and the Rose' is a very poignant story following the theme of love.The theme is conveyed in this story through the actions of the Nightingale. It demonstrates how one life would sacrifice itself in order to make another happy. From the Nightingale's point of view, this is a tragically ironic story. For she thinks that the Student must be a ââ¬Ëtrue lover' ââ¬â she thinks that he would give anything for one nigh t with the Professor's daughter. ââ¬ËShe said that she would dance with me if I brought her red rosesâ⬠¦ yet for want of a red rose is my life made wretched', the Nightingale hears him cry; and on this evidence alone she bases her opinion: ââ¬ËHere at last is a true lover.'When in fact the only feelings the Student has for the Professor's daughter are those of material love. He is only interested in her beauty. He says to himself ââ¬ËShe has form ââ¬â that cannot be denied to her' but then he says ââ¬ËShe would not sacrifice herself for others', which is exactly what the Nightingale is about to do for him. She is willing to sacrifice her life for love; for the Student to be able to spend one night with the girl he supposedly admires. An interesting point to note is when the Student mentions that the Professor's daughter ââ¬Ëhas some beautiful notes in her voice.What a pity it is that they do not mean anything, or do any practical good. ââ¬Ë Now Nightingales are renowned for having beautiful voices, but the Student does not appreciate the wonderful art of music. A few paragraphs before these lines the Nightingale sings to the Student telling him of how she intends to sacrifice her life for him; ââ¬Ëbe happy; you shall have your red rose. I will build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with my own heart's-blood. ââ¬Ë Although he cannot understand them, these words are, in fact, deeply meaningful to the Student.And as for music doing no ââ¬Ëpractical good', well, what would you call the outcome of the red rose? The Nightingale died and the rose was born. Music made that red rose. The Student does not realise how wrong his judgements are. We find out that the only ââ¬Ëtrue lover' was in fact the Nightingale. She was the only one with sincere feelings, and she was prepared to sacrifice her life for those feelings, even though she knew she would not gain anything from it. The fact that she was doing it for love, and that she was making someone happy, was enough for her. She was really the only one who deserved love ââ¬â the only one worthy of it.The Nightingale was love. She went to the greatest extremes to find a red rose for the Student to give to the Professor's daughter. She flew all around the garden trying to find a red rose. She flew to ââ¬Ëthe centre of the grass-plot', and 'round the old sun-dial', and finally ââ¬Ëbeneath the Students window', where she eventually found a red rose tree. But the tree was damaged, and would not bear a red rose. the only way the Nightingale could obtain a red rose from this tree, would be to ââ¬Ëbuild it out of music by moonlight', and stain it with her ââ¬Ëown heart's-blood'; and that is what she did.The story is set in a garden of fantasy ââ¬â it is full of talking creatures and trees; not unlike the Garden of Eden in the Bible, which had a talking snake. Perhaps the author used a garden because in the Bible it is very symbolic, and its story has many lessons and meanings. Maybe that was what Oscar Wilde was trying to convey in his writing.
Friday, September 13, 2019
A written project on the theme of one selected characteristic/attribute associated with the Business Entrepreneur and researched in the context of one noteworthy entrepreneur
Methodology: This study was based on the integration of the secondary research. Practical evidence demonstrates the main secondary evidence in relation to the Facebook case study. Findings: The main findings demonstrate that innovation is not necessarily sourced from a discipline. To a large extent, it requires creative thinking and environment. Furthermore, it has been found that the process of innovation is not always structured. This suggests that in some cases, there are elements of experimentation and accident. Introduction This paper looks at the investigation of innovation in the contemporary business world. In details, this paper includes exploration of the actual concept of innovation within the context of entrepreneurship. This research will focus on the examination of Facebook and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg. This would serve as the practical evidence of the innovative product and/or service that has formed the contemporary social media business. Rogers, (1998, p.6) has defined innovation ââ¬Å"as the process of introducing the new ideas to the firm which result in increased firm performanceâ⬠. Within the context of this paper, innovation is attributed to the new social media product that has been invented and, therefore, resulted in the startup and further success of Facebook as a company. This has been a transformational innovation since it resulted in the transformation of the interactive, social media platform. This paper will discuss the actual process of this transformation. This implies that the majority of individuals have been reluctant to adopt the innovation, after its initial introduction (Rogers, 1998). At the moment, Facebook has already around 1 billion subscribers worldwide, who update their statuses, on a daily basis. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, is one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the modern times. Facebook employs around 3,200 employees and is known worldwide. The companyââ¬â¢s market value is $ 75 billion-$ 100 billion (Hoovers, 2012). This study will investigate the main factors that innovation should possess, and the reasons behind its success among the consumers. The main critical analysis is going to be presented in the literature review. This will lay the foundation for further investigation. Practical evidence will demonstrate the case study in relation to the researched theories. Finally, the findings from the literature review and practical evidence are going to be juxtaposed in the analysis section. Literature Review Recent research suggests that innovation is an outcome of creativity. This implies that innovation may occur, when a person realizes stimulating and new ideas, which he or she, has (Austin, Devin and Sullivan, 2012). Some companies tend to shape the work environment in order to produce the conditions that work well in terms ofthe development of the creative ideas. This is primarily associated with the integration of the particular practices, which allow the person to relax, and, therefore, generate ideas. Hopkins, (2010) suggests that innovation is a discipline. This implies that management of innovation may be compared with management of quality, where each detail is essential. This also implies that, after generation of the idea, it is important to focus on the efficient development of production, supply chain, distribution and marketing. The process of innovation development is also interlinked to the production of business model. It is especially intensified in the context of entrepreneurship. Drucker, (2002), suggests that innovation is sourced from the knowledge and hard work. This suggests that in order for innovation to be successful, it is necessaryto monitor the market, to interact and seek out opportunities to seize. As a result,, there is a small chance for accidental innovation that might emerge (Austin, Devin and Sullivan, 2012). However, given the conditions of contemporary market and situation, this chance is slim. This is correlated to the evolutionary theory, which suggests that the process of innovation production is interlinked with the dynamism of the environment and acquired knowledge and skills. Furthermore, it was added that the success of innovation is sourced from the learning abilities and behavioural traits of the entrepreneur. This implies that the values, cognition and the aims of the individual directly impact the process of innovation development (Metcalfe, 1998; Dosi, 1997). According to complexity theory, Anderson, (1999) states that the creative ideas are sourced from the environmental changes. This suggests that individuals and companies tend to take into account the environmental dynamism, thus shifting their perceptions, according to the global and/or domestic changes. This is further interlinked with the evaluation of the information, which is sourced from these dynamical changes. This, in turn, results in the development of the innovations. This theory is based on the estimation that the innovation should evolve, as part of the constant environmental dynamics. Contrary to this, Brown and Eisenhardt, (1998) suggest that innovation is driven by experimentation rather than evolution. This implies that the individual should always experiment, in order to create some innovative solutions. This is attributed to the ââ¬Å"trial and errorâ⬠pathway. This pathway is regarded to be quite effective as demonstrated in the recent research. It is primarily interlinked with the hard work and discipline, which is noted in the study by Hopkins, (2010). Damanpour, (1992) disagrees and states that there is no definite practice that would allow efficient production and management of the innovative products and/or services. This suggests that there are four main factors that affect the possible success of the innovation. These factors are attributed to the type of innovation, stage of innovation, scope of innovation and organization. Given the technology industry, the scope of innovation is not easy to define at the startup stage of innovation. It has been identified by Rothwell and Dodgson, (1995) that there is a small difference between the development of innovation in small companies and large corporations. It has been estimated that the process of innovation development in small companies tend to be of a behavioural nature, whereas in large corporations ââ¬â of a materialistic nature. Additionally, it has been added that the process of the development of innovation in the smaller companies tends to be dependent on the industry. It is assumed that, in the technology industry, the degree of innovationââ¬â¢s success is increased, due to the large pool of opportunities. However, as Hopkins, (2010) has pointed out, it does require a discipline. Freeman and Soete, (1997) agree that the innovative products and services depend on the scope of RD activities. This suggests that there is a greater chance for larger corporations to implement the innovation, due to the large available funds. However, as the recent research demonstrates, there are a lot of entrepreneurs, who have been successful in production of innovation with limited investments (e.g. Mark Zuckerberg; Steve Jobs). Littler, Leverick and Bruce, (2003) argue that the innovative product development is associated with high risk, which is dispensed across the production and Research and Development areas. As the result, it has been proposed in the same source that increased collaboration is required in order to achieve the objectives, in relation to the innovative solutions product. These scholars have also added that the main factors that affect the increase of the risk degree is attributed to the utilization of the new technology. Practical Evidence This section focuses on the presentation of the practical evidence of the key theories that have been analysed in the literature review section. This section is based on the integration of the case study about Facebook and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg, 28 is the founder of the worldââ¬â¢s largest social networking website, Facebook. It was launched back in 2004, in the dorm room of Harvard University (CrunchBase, 2012). Prior to this, Mark Zuckerberg has tried to launch another two programs, namely a music recommendation program, Synapse and peer-to-peer client, Wirehog. However, he left them at the startup point (TechCrunch, 2012). Along with that, Mark Zuckerberg also launched Coursematch and Facemash programs during his studies at Harvard University. Facebook was originally developed for students to interact, however it has been further extended to a global scale. As a result, Facebook has become a success internationally (New Yorker, 2010). Prior to the development of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg studied computer science, however, he has another degree in psychology. This suggests that he understands both the computer technology and human behaviour (New Yorker, 2012). With regard to the personal characteristics, Mark Zuckerberg has been described as quiet, unassuming gentleman, who focuses on hard work and achievement of the objectives. This shows that he doesnââ¬â¢t take anything for granted, thus focusing intensively on further development of Facebook operations. To date, Facebook has generated $1.26 billion, however, it has reported a recent loss, which is associated with the inability to develop the mobile advertising sector (CNCWorld, 2012; Information Week, 2012). The primary source of income is attributed to the advertising since Facebook is free to subscribe. This implies that there is still room for improvement in the mobile advertising area, whereas the main competitors already enjoy the generated profits fr om this sector. The mobile advertising area has been overlooked by Mark Zuckerberg, given the recent rise in the access to the Internet from mobile phones (New Media Trends, 2012). This implies that the modern consumers tend to utilize the mobile applications more, which is supported by the recent data that states that the number of mobile Internet users has doubled. Information Week, (2012) demonstrates that there have been 75 % of social networking users, who have accessed Facebook via their Android-supported mobile devices in U.S.A, in March, 2012. Facebook management agrees that there is still a room for development however, the main problem is attributed to the inability to provide high resolution advertisements on small mobile screens (Information Week, 2012). This is assumed to be surprising, in the light of Mark Zuckerbergââ¬â¢s ability to develop the new social media platform, during the rise of the Internet. This implies that Mark Zuckerberg tends to seize the opportunities, once they arise. The main aim of Facebook, to date, is regarded to be a willingness to make the globe a more open place, by means of social interactions (New Yorker, 2010). However, contrary to this, Mark Zuckerberg, himself, is characterized as being private, thus not sharing a lot of information about himself. This is supported by the fact that he does not give a lot of interviews and/or make public appearances (CrunchBase, 2012). With regards to the work environment, that is managed in Facebook headquarters, it has been estimated in the recent research that the workers are driven to educate themselves while working. This is interconnected with the fact that Facebook was founded at the University so, Mark Zuckerberg is trying to transform the workplace into the educational institution in order to drive the creativityââ¬â¢s emergence. The design of the Facebook offices promotes openness as the key feature of Facebook program (Business Insider, 2009). This implies that employees are not limited by the cubiclesââ¬â¢ boundaries. Additionally, the working hours are flexible. This suggests that the employees may choose their own hours in order to deliver the best product solutions possible. Furthermore, Mark Zuckerberg tends to promote openess in interaction, suggesting that the employees are able to walk around the headquarters, thus interacting with others (Business Insider, 2009). The main aim of this is t o promote the development of the creative ideas, which would be applicable to the Facebook (Business Insider, 2009). Along with that, the main negative comments have only been attributed to the distant location of the Facebook headquarters. Additionally, some employees have stated that it is difficult to concentrate while working in the open areas. Therefore, the promoted openess does not work for everybody (Business Insider, 2009). Analysis This section is based on the production of the links between the main theories and the key findings, derived from the practical evidence. It had been estimated that Facebook was developed, during the period, when internet, as a communication channel was starting to gain the popularity amongst the public (New Media Trends, 2012). This shows that Mark Zuckerberg had been following the evolutionary theory related to the innovative development and given his specialized knowledge and learning abilities, he scanned the environment for opportunities and dynamic changes (Anderson, 1999). In 2004, there was a limited amount of social networking platforms, presented on the market that would allow enjoyable social interaction. As a result, he developed Facebook in order to meet the educational needs, with the limited resources available. It was based purely on the knowledge and skills he had obtained. One of the main benefits was that he could combine his technology-related knowledge with the education degree he received in psychology (Time, 2012). This has allowed the development of the social networking platform that would sui t the needs of consumers. Furthermore, the theoretical frameworks suggest that there is supposed to be a creative and relaxing environment in order to produce the innovative idea. At that time, Mark Zuckerberg has been studying in the university, which suggests that he was associated with the young and educated people with a lot of aspirations (New Yorker, 2010). Normally, in this environment, the most innovative ideas are born, so, this supports the theoretical evidence. Evolutionary theory is also supported by the fact that Mark Zuckerberg also tried to integrate other social media products but he failed to succeed with some of them. This demonstrates a certain degree of learning, integrated in the process of the innovation development. This implies that after the failure of his previous innovations , he has advanced the process of innovative solutions production, based on the mistakes he had made (CrunchBase, 2012). Additionally, the process of innovation production has been supported by the acquired and/or natural behavioural traits of the entrepreneur. This suggests that Mark Zuckerberg has always been a hard worker whilst eliminating the need ââ¬Å"to take everything for grantedâ⬠(Time, 2012). Therefore, he has always been focused on the achievement of his objectives. The elements of the accidental innovation may be followed once Facebook had become popular outside the university. This shows that, despite the primary educational objectives related to the Facebook platform, Mark Zuckerberg accidentally met the needs of a wider international audience (Austin, Devin and Sullivan, 2012). This was the starting point of Facebookââ¬â¢s success. At the moment, being a large corporation, Facebook constantly updates the website with new applications, as a result of the evaluation of the consumer needs and environment. However, some subscribers tend to be confused with the constant changes that Facebook integrates (Guardian, 2010). In this case, the aspects of experimentation are demonstrated. These can be traced inthe theory of ââ¬Å"trial and errorâ⬠, which suggests the evaluation of the most profitable products and services based on experimentation (Brown and Eisenhardt, 1998). This is proved to be effective, however it also drives a large degr ee of confusion amongst the subscribers. Another critical aspect is attributed to the problem with the mobile advertising, which has resulted in the decrease of the revenues of Facebook, recently (Business Insider, 2012). This suggests that management of the company failed to scan the environment in order to integrate the necessary solutions with regards to the emergence of the new trend. As the result, this has negatively resulted in the poor companyââ¬â¢s performance (Business Insider, 2012). This is said to be especially surprising, given the ability of Mark Zuckerberg to seize the opportunities and the scope of the modern Facebook corporation. This is supported by the literature review findings, which suggest that it is much easier for larger corporations to integrate innovative solutions due to the large funding available for Research and Development activities (Freeman and Soete, 1997). In this case, at the moment, Facebook failed to do that. Recent data demonstrates that another reason behind this, is attributed to the lack of clear strategic vision. This implies that Mark Zuckerberg aims at the delivery of accidental innovations rather than the result of a clear strategic vision (Business Insider, 2009). He expects the innovation to appear as a result of the management of the creative environment. It has been estimated in the literature review that it is necessary to promote the discipline during the process of innovation development (Hopkins, 2010). However, with regards to Facebookââ¬â¢s work conditions, it is not necessarily applicable. This implies that the company aims to integrate open interactions and flexible working hours. This is said to be appealing for the majority of employees. However there are some employees, who state that it is hard to concentrate while working in this sort of environment. As a result, Facebook aims to promote the casual and relaxing environment, which would allow development of creative solutions. Conclusion This paper was aimed at discussing research on innovation within the entrepreneurship context. It focused on the exploration of the Facebook case and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg. The main theories have indicated that there are several patterns of innovation development, namely accidental innovation production, evolutionary, experimental and complexity theories. The Literature review has also demonstrated that environment also plays a large role in the process of innovation development. Other scholars suggest that the success of innovation depends on the entrepreneurââ¬â¢s personal characteristic and actual characteristics attributed to the innovation. The main findings, based on the analysis of one of the greatest entrepreneurs, have demonstrated that the innovationââ¬â¢s production process incorporates elements of accidental process and both experimental and evolutionary processes. Additionally, it has been estimated that the dynamics of the environment and personal characte ristics of the entrepreneur tend to play a large role in relation to the worldwide success of the innovation. However, it is essential to further update the innovations in order to stay on the market. This, in turn, may also incorporate the elements of the experimentation. However, one of the main factors is related to the ability to seize the opportunities. References: Anderson, P. (1999). Complexity theory and organization science. Organization Science, 10, 3, 216 ââ¬â 232 Austin, R., L. Devin, and E. Sullivan. (2012). Accidental Innovation: Supporting Valuable Unpredictability in the Creative Process. Organization Science, 23, 5, 1505-1522. Brown, S. 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The Definition and Measurement of Innovation. Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, p.6, The University of Melbourne: Australia Rothwell R. and M. Dodgson (1995), Innovation and Size of Firm, in Dodgson, M. and Rothwell, R., eds., The Handbook of Industrial Innovation, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 310-324 Tech Crunch, (2012). Mark Zuckerberg: Our Biggest Mistake Was Betting Too Much On HTML5. Available from: (Accessed on 13/11/2012) Time, (2012). Is It Time for Facebookââ¬â¢s Mark Zuckerberg to Step Aside as CEO?. Available from: (Accessed on 13/11/2012)
Be able to use software-generated information to make decisions in an Essay
Be able to use software-generated information to make decisions in an organisation - Essay Example For instance, it Management it is used to ensure that there is proper transition of employees within the scope an organisation. Moreover, it is used in strategic management to source the right job candidate, to enhance employeeââ¬â¢s professional growth and development as well as to motivate employees to achieving organisation goals and objectives (Information Resources Management Association and Khosrow-Pour, 2001). Management information system may be used at tactical level to assess market competition and government policies that may affect organisation performance. For example, management information systems may be employed to carry out marketing research and gather facts concerning a particular market. This may help an organisation to assess its weakness and how it can use its strength to counter its weakness. Additionally, management information system is used to execute tactical functions by helping managers to make informed decision in respect to organisation operations. Managers can inform their clients on the impending changes and how those changes will help to meet and exceed customersââ¬â¢ needs (Information Resources Management Association and Khosrow-Pour, 2001). Based on the above computation, it can be observed that financial viability of this will have an accounting rate of return of 30%.This means that this project is worthwhile investing based on this approach. However, the accounting rate of return method tends to be criticized due to its limitations. For example, it does not provide an appropriate project appraisal because it includes items that are non cash. Further, it fails to take into consideration the time value of cash as well as its difficult to adjust inherent risks that may be attributed to a (project Introduction to corporate finance, 2012). Based on the calculation above it can be observed that the project will yield a positive net present value of +à £79,301.8, this
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Concept of Home and Its Evolution or Expression in Design Essay
The Concept of Home and Its Evolution or Expression in Design - Essay Example The importance of home cannot be overrated. Even those whom we consider as homeless does in fact, contrived home to whatever means available to them with that their resource and circumstance could provide. In fact, home can be better understood in their deficiency and somewhat desperate condition which is a tremendous irony. In their plain conditions, it is easier to contrast what is their motivation of a home that we may easily discern what constitutes a home. These city dwellers which did not have the means to have their own homes were of course thrown out the street amid the frosting cold and the vagaries of the season. Sure it followed that the city government will provide shelter to its destitute citizen either for welfare and electoral purpose. But it is here we will understand that home is not structure, nor size, nor edifice, nor the sufficiency of provision. It is more than that which this paper will explore. But for the moment, suffice that we will identify what it is not. These putative homeless of New York could not have been homeless had it chosen to stay in government facilities. They left the facilities and chose to be homeless because these; ââ¬Å"City-run shelters-though they provide food and respite from the elements-are dangerous and unfriendly places that impose a dehumanizing, even prisonlike, regimentation on residents. Guards routinely treat clients as inmates, allegedly denying them food for the violation of rules. Some shelter residents are abused from place to place for food, showers, and sleep. Charges of violence by shelter security guards and clients are commonâ⬠(Lurie and Wodiczko 2009:54). In effect, these city dwellers were really ââ¬Å"exiles in their own cityâ⬠and only became homeless by choice opting to have ââ¬Å"gaily decorated cartsâ⬠as a means of transport and home than the established facility of the city due to the harsh condition impose to them by the institution that made it a penitentiary. They pr eferred to get by through the uncertainty of scavenging than putting up with city run shelters where foods are used as a carrot stick. This is not to glorify homelessness nor scavenging, nor the running away from government facilities but rather to stress that a meagre cart that can barely accommodate a person and absent of facility and provision can become a home compared to an imposing edifice that treat its inhabitants as inmates where violence and abuses are common. Perhaps, the inclemency of the streets and season or the precarious nature of getting provision of an unwelcoming street can become more tolerable than an unfriendly and dehumanizing institution. The homeless of New York only proved that home is not a place, but rather where the heart is or where you are comfortable with. Home does not have to be diminutive as what the cart dwellers of New York opted. It can also be functional and as elaborate as Heideggerââ¬â¢s Building Dwelling Thinking (1971) that can feed the soul. Unlike the homeless of New York who has to make do with make shift carts, home for Heidegger is not just a place to sleep and rest but also a
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