Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Is Macbeth a Tragedy?

A tragedy is often thought of as a sad, pitiful event. The factors used to label an event as tragic are the consequences and the lasting effects. For example, the consequences of one or more deaths can be seen as a tragedy. And tragedies are often remembered long after the event, clearly impacting the future for those involved. Many people interpret events such as a natural disaster, a death of a loved one, or a permanent disability as tragic. However, others say that this definition of a tragedy is incorrect and is misused in modern conversation. The people who think this way use the word tragedy to define literature.The literary definition of the word requires more careful consideration of the character and the overall effect of the play. In this literary sense, tragedy is defined by following four characteristics: first, the story must arouse pity and fear in the audience and/or reader; second, the story must call into question the man’s relationship with God; third, the tr agic figure must be capable of great suffering, be highly sensitive, and possess a tragic flaw which leads to his/her own destruction; and fourth, in the end, the character becomes aware that his own flaw has doomed him, but he is powerless to prevent his inevitable destruction.These characteristics have been used by many people to determine whether pieces of literature are considered a tragedy. For example, using these characteristics, the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare is considered a tragedy. Macbeth is a tragedy because the play has all the characteristics in the literary definition of a tragedy. Macbeth definitely arouses pity and fear in the audience/reader. The very first scene in the play instills fear in us audience members. The play opens in a wild and lonely place in medieval Scotland.Three witches enter, and in their cackling voices, they prophesize about the events that will happen in the future. For example, the witches predict that they will meet with the protago nist Macbeth â€Å"when the hurlyburly’s done, when the battle’s lost and won† (1. 1. 3-4). The witches are speaking of the civil war, which they say will end that day. They also say they will meet with Macbeth, one of the generals. These supernatural happenings start the play off with eeriness, stirring up fear in the audience. Additionally, pity is roused in the audience. The author creates sympathy for Macbeth by giving him a good quality: his courage.In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is portrayed as a brave and loyal soldier who fights for his king and his country. Macbeth has â€Å"unseamed [a traitor of the king] from the nave to the chops and fixed his head upon [the] battlements† (1. 2. 24-25). When the king, named Duncan, hears this news, he describes Macbeth as a â€Å"valiant cousin! [and] worthy gentleman! † (1. 2. 26). We start to pity Macbeth from the moment he meets the witches. Once the witches have prophesized that Macbeth will become Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King of Scotland, Macbeth begins to have dark thoughts of killing the king.However, the thought of killing the king is abhorrent to him, and the â€Å"horrid image doth unfix [his] hair and make [his] seated heart knock at [his] ribs† (1. 3. 156-157). This shows that Macbeth is very reluctant to take any action towards him becoming king. We audience members feel sorry for Macbeth as he is tempted by the prospect of becoming king but at the price of murdering a man that had been very good and generous to him. We pity Macbeth as he struggles with his morals and his conscience saying that â€Å"as [he] is [Duncan’s] kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed; then, as his host, [he] should†¦not bear the knife† (1. . 14-17). However, in the end, Macbeth’s â€Å"vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on the other† (1. 7. 28-29) wins and he gives in to his evil urges. So wi th Lady Macbeth’s urging, Macbeth murders Duncan. Before the murder, Macbeth has such a troubled conscience that he hallucinates. He sees â€Å"a dagger†¦before [him], the handle toward [his] hand† (2. 1. 42-43) leading him to Duncan. We audience members also pity Macbeth because after he does the deed, he thoroughly regrets it. He shows this by saying if he had â€Å"died and hour before this chance, [he would have] lived a blessed time† (2. . 103-104). Without a doubt, the play arouses fear and pity in the audience. In addition to arousing pity and fear in the audience, the play calls into question man’s relationship with God. At the start of the play, Macbeth’s relationship with God is good. Macbeth fought nobly and courageously for a good cause, defeating the traitor to the king. Similarly, at the end of the play, Young Siward also fights nobly and dies for a good cause, defeating Macbeth. For this reason, Young Siward is described as â₠¬Å"God’s soldier† (5. 8. 55). Therefore, Macbeth could also be described as â€Å"God’s soldier† (5. . 55) up until he murders Duncan. As the King of Scotland, Duncan can be viewed as God. By killing Duncan, Macbeth has killed God. As a result, Macbeth has become the opposite of God, the devil. From this point on, Macbeth’s relationship with God is bad. At the scene of the murder, Macbeth could not say â€Å"Amen. † After committing a terrible crime, he â€Å"had most need of blessing, and ‘Amen’ stuck in [his] throat† (2. 2. 47-48). These events show that Macbeth’s relationship with God is questionable, which is one of the characteristics of a tragedy in literature.Another characteristic of a literary tragedy is that the tragic figure must be capable of great suffering. The tragic figure in this play is Macbeth. Macbeth certainly suffers from his conscience and guilt throughout the play. After murdering Duncan, Mac beth is so remorseful that he states that if he were â€Å"to know [his] deed, ‘twere best not know [him]self† (2. 2. 95). This means that in order for Macbeth to come to terms with what he has done, he must forget about his conscience. However, Macbeth cannot forget about his conscience and suffers from it. For example, Macbeth believes that â€Å"to be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus† (3. . 52-53). He feels that being king is worthless unless his position as king is safe. Macbeth is afraid that his position is not safe, but is endangered by Banquo, whose kingly qualities make him a threat. Thus, Macbeth murders Banquo. Nevertheless, Macbeth continues to suffer from his conscience. When he learns that Banquo’s son Fleance has escaped from the murderers, he now becomes â€Å"cabined, cribbed, confined, bound in to saucy doubts and fears† (3. 4. 31-32). This is because the witches predicted that Banquo’s son would be a king in the futur e, which would put Macbeth’s position as king at risk.Macbeth’s guilt prevents him from fully enjoying his ill-gotten position as king. For example, Macbeth is visited by the ghost of Banquo. Suffering from guilt, Macbeth nearly reveals the truth that he killed Duncan. Afraid her husband will reveal too much, Lady Macbeth tells the guests that Macbeth often has these fits. When the guests start to ask questions, Lady Macbeth tells them Macbeth â€Å"grows worse and worse; question enrages him. At once, good night†¦go at once† (3. 4. 146-150). These examples of Macbeth suffering from his conscience show that Macbeth is capable of great suffering.Besides being capable of great suffering, the tragic figure must be highly sensitive. Macbeth, as the tragic figure, is portrayed as a sensitive character. From the beginning of the play, Macbeth has been sensitive. Just the horrid notion of murdering Duncan â€Å"unfix[es] [Macbeth’s] hair and make[s] [his] seated heart knock at [his] ribs† (1. 3. 156-157). Macbeth becomes even more sensitive after his terrible crime of killing the king. When Lady Macbeth orders Macbeth to take the bloodied daggers back to Duncan’s room, Macbeth replies, â€Å"I’ll go no more.I am afraid to think what I have done; Look on’t again I dare not† (2. 2. 69-71). Also after the murder, Macbeth has become sensitive to every little sound. When someone is knocking at the gate, Macbeth wonders â€Å"whence is that knocking? † and realizes that â€Å"every noise appals [him]† (2. 2. 78-79). In addition to being frightened by sounds, Macbeth is also frightened by sights. For example, when Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost, he becomes so terrified that his â€Å"cheeks [are] blanched with fear† (3. 4. 143-144). Each of these occasions demonstrates the sensitivity of Macbeth.Macbeth, the tragic figure, also possesses a tragic flaw which leads to his own destruct ion. Macbeth’s fatal flaw is his trust and confidence in the words of the witches. After the witches tell Macbeth that he will become Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King of Scotland, Macbeth begins to lust for power. If he had not heard the witches’ prophesy, his â€Å"vaulting ambition† would not have â€Å"prick[ed] the sides of [his] intent† (1. 7. 27-28). Without his ambition, Macbeth would have had no reason to murder Duncan because Duncan â€Å"hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been so clear in his great office† (1. . 18-19). Macbeth reminds himself that Duncan is such a good person and has never abused his royal powers so there is no possible reason for his murder except for Macbeth’s own driving ambition. Macbeth is ambitious and wants to become more powerful. Thus, he kills Duncan and takes the crown for himself. Next, Macbeth murders Banquo and attempts to murder Fleance because he trusts the witches’ words that Banquo â€Å"shalt get kings† (1. 3. 74), meaning that Banquo’s son Fleance will be the king in the future. The witches also tell Macbeth that â€Å"none of woman born shall harm [him]† (4. 1. 1-92) and he will never be vanquished â€Å"until Great Birnam Wood to high Dusinane Hill shall come against him† (4. 1. 107-108). Macbeth’s flaw in believing these words leads to his downfall. Macbeth, power-hungry and overconfident, considers himself invincible. However, the witches’ words have cause Macbeth to become too overconfident and he is taken by surprise when a man named Macduff, born by Caesarean section, leads soldiers disguised as â€Å"a moving grove† (5. 5. 42) to Dunsinane. Because Macbeth believed the witches in that he was invincible, he did not expect the words to have a double meaning.Consequently, Macbeth is killed by Macduff who was â€Å"from his mother’s womb untimely ripped† (5. 8. 19-20). Without a doubt, Macbeth’s trust in the words of the witches has led to his ambition and overconfidence, which, in turn, led to his own destruction. Macbeth definitely becomes aware that this flaw has doomed him, but he is powerless to prevent his inevitable destruction. He first becomes aware that his trust in witches’ words has doomed him when a messenger reports that a moving wood is coming to Dunsinane. Macbeth begins â€Å"to doubt the equivocation of the fiend† (5. . 48) and fears that the witches have tricked him. He also realizes that he is powerless to prevent his inevitable destruction. This is shown when Macbeth says â€Å"there is no flying hence nor tarrying here† (5. 5. 53) and decides to face death â€Å"with harness on [his] back† (5. 5. 57). Macbeth also become further aware of his doom when he comes across a man named Macduff who was â€Å"from his mother’s womb untimely ripped† (5. 8. 19-20) by a Caesarean section. He realizes that the â€Å"juggling fiends† have tricked him â€Å"in a double sense† (5. 8. 23-24).Macbeth’s trust in the witches leads him to believe that he is invincible, but when he discovers that the witches are not to be trusted, there is nothing he can do to prevent his destruction. Even though Macbeth knows all hope is gone, he decides to fight to the death and â€Å"will try the last† (5. 8. 37). In the end, Macbeth has been killed, and the rightful heir to the throne takes his place. These occurrences fulfill the last requirement for the play Macbeth to be a tragedy. As a result of all the characteristics being met, there is no question that Macbeth is a tragedy.The play arouses pity and fear in the audience and calls into question man’s relationship with God. The tragic figure Macbeth is capable of great suffering, is highly sensitive, and possesses a tragic flaw which leads to his destruction. And in the end, Macbeth becomes aware that his flaw has do omed him, but he is powerless to prevent his unavoidable destruction. Due to the characteristics described previously, Macbeth is definitely a tragedy. Even modern day conversationalists, who misuse the word tragedy, would have to agree that Macbeth is undeniably a literary tragedy!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Aeon History

History Company JAYA JUSCO is set up in Malaysia In 1984, Jaya Jusco Stores Sdn. Bhd. was established in Malaysia, in response to the Malaysian Prime Minister Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir's request to help modernize thee retail industry in Malaysia using the world's most advanced management expertise. Dr. Mahathir believed that the modernization of the retail industry was crucial for the country's economic growth. Prior to this, in 1983 Dr. Mahathir visited Tokyo and met the then JUSCO Co. , Ltd. President, Mr. Takuya Okada to discuss the proposition of bringing the JUSCO name to Malaysia. The talks ended on a positive note and Dr.Mahathir invited JUSCO to set up store in Malaysia. All this was part of Dr. Mahathir's Look East policy for Malaysia. Year| Description| 1984| JAYA JUSCO STORES SDN BHD established, in response to a request from Prime Minister Y. A. B. Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, to help modernize the retailing industry in Malaysia. | 1985| The first pilot store, JAYA J USCO Dayabumi, opened. The second pilot store, JAYA JUSCO Taman Tun Dr. Ismail opened. | 1989| JAYA JUSCO Dayabumi closed. The first Superstore, JAYA JUSCO Taman Maluri, opened. | 1991| JUSCO Melaka was opened and fully operated by Malaysian staff. The ?ON Group's â€Å"Hometown Forest† programme was launched simultaneously at the inauguration of JUSCO Melaka. | 1992| JUSCO Wangsa Maju (Alpha Angle Shopping Centre), our first Shopping Centre, opened. | 1994  | Our Distribution Centre began operations. Japanese Trainee Programme begun. | 1995  | JAYA JUSCO Taman Tun Dr. Ismail closed. JUSCO Bandar Utama (1 Utama Shopping Centre) opened. JUSCO Bandar Baru Klang (Bukit Raja Shopping Centre) opened. | 1996| JAYA JUSCO STORES BHD was listed on the Main Board of the KLSE. | 1997| JUSCO Ipoh (Kinta City Shopping Centre) opened. | 1998  | JUSCO Melaka Shopping Centre reopened. 1999| JUSCO Mid Valley opened. | 2000| JUSCO Taman Maluri Shopping Centre re-opened. JUSCO Bandar Puch ong opened. | 2001| Launch of WAOH Charity Fund / JUSCO Fest / JUSCO's 17th Anniversary. 22 Malaysian students and 2 former participants from the 1990 batch were invited to Japan as ‘Ambassadors ‘through the ? ON â€Å"1% Club† Programmer. | 2002| Establishment of JUSCO-OUM Retail Centre in Alpha Angle Shopping Centre, at Wangsa Maju. JUSCO Taman University opened, Japan Management Training Programmed reactivated. | 2003  | WAOH Charity Bazaar. JUSCO Home Centre opened in 1 Utama Shopping Centre. ,000 seedlings were planted in the vicinity of the JUSCO Permas Jaya store as part of ? ON's environmental campaign, ‘Planting Seeds of Growth'. JUSCO Permas Jaya Shopping Centre opened. | 2004  | JUSCO Metro Prima Tree Planting Ceremony was held. 2,000 seedlings were planted. JUSCO Metro Prima Shopping Centre opened. WAOH Charity Fund officially registered as the â€Å"WAOH† Malaysian JUSCO Foundation. Company authorized share capital increased from RM10 0,000,000 to RM500,000,000. JAYA JUSCO STORES BHD. officially changed name to AEON CO. (M) BHD. JUSCO celebrated 20th Anniversary in Malaysia with Gala Dinner.Official launch of â€Å"WAOH† Malaysian JUSCO Foundation. 30,000 seedlings planted in the Malaysia-Japan Friendship Forest, AEON Woodland, Paya Indah Wetlands. Completed Bonus Issue (1:1) for 87,750,000 new Ordinary Shares. | 2005  | AEON CO. (M) BHD. received a certificate of appreciation from the Prime Minister for its tree planting activities. Charity Gala Dinner was held. The management of AEON CO. (M) BHD. met with the Mentri Besar of Negeri Sembilan, Y. A. B. Datuk Seri Utama Hj Mohamad Bin Hj Hasan. JUSCO Seremban 2 Tree Planting ceremony was held. 3,300 seedlings were planted. JUSCO Seremban 2 opened.JUSCO J-One Supermarket opened at Damansara Damai. AEON Tebrau City Tree Planting ceremony was held. 6,000 seedlings were planted. | 2006  | AEON Tebrau City Shopping Centre opened. Change of financial year end . AEON Taman Equine Tree Planting ceremony was held. 4,000 seedlings were planted. AEON Taman Equine Shopping Centre opened. PASAR RAYA D'HATI (formerly known as J-One) Supermarket in Pearl Point opened. AEON Cheras Selatan Tree Planting ceremony was held. 4,000 seedlings were planted. WAOH Gala Dinner held. JUSCO Queensbay store opened. AEON Cheras Selatan Shopping Centre opened. 2007| PASAR RAYA D'HATI name change ceremony held at Pearl Point Shopping Mall. | 2008  | Completed Bonus Issue (1:1) for 175,500,000 new Ordinary Shares. AEON Careline was launched. AEON Seberang Prai City Shopping Centre Tree Planting Ceremony held. 3,500 saplings were planted. JUSCO Seberang Prai City (AEON Seberang Prai City Shopping Centre) opened. Taman Asuhan Kanak-Kanak Asahi (TAKA) at Bandar Puchong Jaya opened. 24th Anniversary Tree Planting at AEON Woodland. 2,400 saplings were planted. AEON AU2 Setiawangsa Shopping Centre Tree Planting Ceremony held. 4,600 saplings were planted.JUSCO AU2 Seti awangsa (AEON AU2 Setiawangsa Shopping Centre) opened. AEON Bukit Indah Shopping Centre Tree Planting Ceremony held. 3,000 saplings wereplanted. JUSCO Bukit Indah (AEON Bukit Indah Shopping Centre) opened. | 2009  | Pasar Raya MaxValu Pearl Point closed. 25th Anniversary Tree Planting Ceremony at AEON Woodland. 25,000 saplings planted. AEON Bandaraya Melaka Shopping Centre Tree Planting Ceremony held. 2,000 saplings were planted. | 2010  | â€Å"With All Our Hearts† Malaysia JUSCO Foundation changed name to Malaysia AEON Foundation. JUSCO Bandaraya Melaka (AEON Bandaraya Melaka Shopping Centre) opened.AEON Mahkota Cheras Tree Planting Ceremony held. 3,000 saplings were planted. JUSCO Mahkota Cheras (AEON Mahkota Cheras Shopping Centre) opened. | 2011  | JUSCO Bandar Utama reopened. AEON Rawang Anggun Shopping Centre Tree Planting Ceremony held. 3,500 saplings were planted. JUSCO Rawang (AEON Rawang Anggun Shopping Centre) opened. Disposal of Smart Wonder World (SWW) amu sement business completed. | 2012  | AEON Ipoh Station 18 Shopping Centre Tree Planting Ceremony held. 3,500 saplings were planted. AEON unveiled the new brand name â€Å"AEON† and tagline â€Å"AEON Enriching Your Lifestyle†.Card rebranded to AEON Member Card. AEON Ipoh Station 18 (AEON Ipoh Station 18 Shopping Centre) opened. | Social responsibilities Social responsibility  is an ethical  or theory that an  entity, be itan  organization  or  individual, has an obligation to act to benefit society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual or organization has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystem. A trade-off always exists between economic development, in the material sense, and the welfare of the society and environment.Social responsibility means sustaining the equilibrium between the two. It pertains not only to business organizations but also to everyone who’sany action impacts the environ ment. Ethical Issues Ethics, also known as  moral philosophy, is a branch of  philosophy  that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. The term comes from the Greek word  ethos, which means â€Å"character†. Ethics is a complement to Aesthetics  in the philosophy field of Axiology. In philosophy, ethics studies the moral behaviour in humans, and how one should act.Ethics may be divided into four major areas of study. Introduction At AEON, we believe a green environment is the basis for a better life, as such we have developed a comprehensive ecology programme to address the global warming issue and aim to significantly eliminate carbon dioxide (CO? ) emissions. To create higher environmental awareness and educate younger generations on the importance of environment protection, we have involved the participation of various parties, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), government agencies and other communities, in eve ry programme initiated by the company Green Initiatives Malaysia-Japan Friendship Forestry at Paya Indah Wetlands * On 13 September 2004, AEON held a special dinner in gloryof Tun Dr. Mahathir bin. Mohamad, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia. Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad was invited to sign a plaque, together with Mr Takuya Okada, for the launching of the Malaysia-Japan Friendship Forest. This tabletwas placed at the forest site, which was named the AEON Woodland, a special area about eight hectares set aside in Paya Indah Wetlands. * Aeon Green Fund AEON Green Fund was established in-conjunction with the â€Å"No Plastic Bag Day Every Saturday† campaign. Customers requesting plastic bags on Saturdays will be charged 20 cents for each plastic bag. The fee will serve as a deterrent to shoppers against the use of plastic bags. Proceeds charged on the plastic bags will go to the Green Fund which supports all AEON's environmental and corporate social responsibility activities. * Aeon Eco Fair 2010 * AEON Co. (M) BHD had launched an eco-event called ‘Eco Fair 2010' on 20 April 2010 at AEON Bandaraya Melaka Shopping Centre.The main purpose of this event is to educate and inspire the general public and the community about the importance of sustainable practices. Green Award * Green Leadership Award 2010 * AEON won the Green Leadership Award at the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA) held in Kuala Lumpur. The award recognizes AEON for their environment protection efforts through the ‘Planting Seeds of Growth'. Reduction in Energy Consumption' and recycling campaigns. AEON planted more than 400,000 saplings in 25 years with the ‘Planting Seeds of Growth' activity which is now a tradition that follows the opening of each new store.They reduced energy consumption by installing inverter systems in their offices and outlets and also encourage recycling by establishing AEON Community Recycling Centres (CRC). AEON pledges its commitmen t to uphold corporate social responsibilities in Malaysia. The company has always been perceptive towards conserving the environment for the sake of future generations and will continue endorsing the importance of a greener tomorrow. Green Awareness * IGEM 2010 * The Tree of Life, moulded from corrugated box material and standing proudly in the centre on the booth, is designed to reflect AEON's ecological work towards preserving nature.With AEON's core philosophy of ‘Planting Seeds of Growth', the tree not only represents seeds that have reached their potential, but highlights how trees sustain life by moderating the climate, providing a wildlife habitat and improving air quality. To remind IGEM 2010 visitors of this philosophy, a free packet of seeds is available to take home when they make a pledge on the Tree of Hope. The AEON Chairman Dato’ Abdullah b. Mohd. Yusof He are pleased to present AEON Credit Service (M) Berhad (AEON Credit) Annual Reportand Audited Financi al Statements for the financial year ended 20 February 2012.When the slower growth in global economy in 2011, the Malaysian economy remained resilient with sustained growth in domestic demand supported by mainly higher expenditure from the public sector along with growth in both business andhousehold spending in an environment of continued positive consumer sentiment. Planning The meaning of planning is the process of thinking about, organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal and developing plans to integrate. Planning is also called forethought. Planning involves the creation and maintenance of a plan.As such, planning is a fundamental property of intelligent behavior. In the organization creation and maintenance of a plan is very important. This is because the manager in the organization have creativity that mean that the manager ability to develop new idea and to discover new way of looking at problem and opportunity. Develop the new idea is the proses activity to the manager become successful to managerial the employee to become creative and behavior to an organization. In the Aeon Corporation manager is very successful moving from an idea to an organization to become the bigger market in Melaka.Aeon Corporation is using the classifying manager tools managerial the employee. The top manager is making organization – wide decision and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization. After, the top managers making decision with past to middle manager to managerial the first – line manager. Middle manager past to first – line manager to managerial the non-managerial employee. All the employee in Aeon Corporation very honest and ethic is because they have a top manager to share their conceptual skill to think all the best toward the organization goals.After that, middle manager will share their human skill to work with other people. After thought, first – line manager will share technical skill show ed their knowledge to employee. Aeon Corporation management is very successful in coordinating and overseeing the work activities of other so that their activities are completed efficiently and effectively. Besides that, follow management role to develop the best customer relationship and customer service. Organizing Organizing  is the act of rearranging  elements following one or more  rules or principle.In anything is commonly considered organized when it looks like everything has a correct order or placement. It's only ultimately organized if any element has no difference on time taken to find it. Not only can that, organizing also be defined as  to place different objects in logical arrangement for better searching. Organizations  are  groups  of people organized for some purpose, such as business or political activities. Dato’ Abdullah bin Mohd Yusof the Aeon jusco chairman he regardless of how times may have changed, is to serve the  Ã¢â‚¬ËœCustomer Firs t ’.He always mindful of the three keywords which make up the essence and character of the retail industry and must be considered in any development:  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœpeace’,  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœpeople’ and  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœcommunity’. Because ours is a person-to-person business and our existence is deeply intertwined with the people of the regions and societies in which we serve. These precepts remain the same wherever we do business, where we act as a contributing member of the local community. 2010 whiles the public sector. lly He is organizing the Accelerating Shopping Center Development and Aggressive Pursuit of GMS Stores.He organizes to establish a solid competitive position and achieve continuous growth. Accelerating Shopping Center Development is channel in the resources towards developing attractive, integrated commercial facilities which the customers can fully enjoy, such as regional shopping center and neighborhoods shopping center. This segment can also involve lea sing shopping space and facilities to tenants. The Aggressive Pursuit of GMS Stores is the General Merchandise Stores (GMS) in the Aeon Jusco with combine supermarkets and departmental stores under one roof to operate as full-line retailers.The Products was offered range from food and other daily necessities, apparel and household goods also include bedding and bathroom products to specialized products such as home appliances, sporting goods and cosmetics. The goal of the organization is to operate as an â€Å"international-scale retailing group†. The Aeon Jusco Chairman Dato’ Abdullah bin Mohd Yusof to recognise for excellence not only in Japan also in other nations like Hong Kong and China. In the international recognition Aeon work to achieve is not only measure merely in quantifiable terms of size, growth and profitability.The chairman also hope to be competitive at the global level in intangible aspects such as can making the customer satisfaction and corporate ci tizenship. He dedicated to the idea of â€Å"quality management† to further enhance our capabilities. Leading ‘Leading' can comes from the metal-type when it typesetters inserted thin  strips  of  lead   to increase the spacing between lines. Then it for legibility or stylistic effects. Lines of normal text without leading are said to be set solid, and usually give a dense and dark  appearance  to the text block.The 5th batch of trainees who successfully completed the Japan Trainee Programmed returned to Malaysia on 17 January 2007. They are holding positions as leaders in their respective stores nationwide. In the Japan Trainee Programmer is designed to help selected leaders prepare for the every changing retail environment to overseas working conditions. One of the vital ways to increase their knowledge and skills in retailing to given them some experience in AEON Japan. This programmed also teaches them to be independent, in preparation for their future r oles as leaders in the Company.AEON also have publishes the AEON Business School to intense course for the benefit of merchandisers, store managers and deputy store managers was organized by AEON. AEON Business School to celebrate the successful completion in the course and in the special closing ceremony was held on 22 September 2006. Chairman Dato’ Abdullah bin Mohd Yusof to train and develop new leaders from within the Company, AEON CO. (M) BHD. He has created a New Leader Development Program (NLDP). The Participants were asked to present a project that applied all the skills and knowledge they gained during the one-year course.He train the new leader to help the AEON future develop to accomplished the company goal. He has train the new leader to help to direct the staff working. He saying the â€Å"CUSTOMER FISRT’, uses the new leader to train the more quality staff. AEON CO. (M) BHD. Is organized a number of team-building activities to throughout the year to deve lop attitudes, motivation and unity within the Company. Team-building Program was also held for Blue Wave for the supervisors and assistant supervisors at Kem Bina Semangat Yayasan Selangor. To give them more experience to operate the manage line. ControllingControlling is the basic  management  function  of establishing  benchmarks  or standards, comparing actual  performance  against them, and taking  corrective action, if  required. Name AEON is derived from the Latin word which means ‘eternity'. JUSCO has become a household name in the Malaysians and has been growing together with our nation since its first presence in Malaysia. The slogan ‘Customer First' has always been the driving in the philosophy for the AEON group. Now, AEON CO. (M) BHDis moving towards globalization by taking on the global brand name for all its stores and shopping centers.It is also the perfect opportunity for AEON to further strengthen its position in the market and to esta blish a clear brand identity. AEON is organizing a press launch, series of campaign posters, TVC, radio contest, customer engagement activities, and special merchandise. Furthermore, AEON will introduce a new tagline, ‘AEON ENRICHING YOUR LIFESTYLE' to the public. The dynamic new brand name and logo are part of the company's strategy to increase its profile as a leading retailer in Malaysia, added by Dato' Abdullah bin Mohd Yusof, Chairman of AEON CO. M) BHD.. He believes that we have established the foundations not only for sustainable growth but also for excellence in delivering values and customer service to our customers. Dato' Abdullah bin Mohd Yusof, Chairman of AEON CO. (M) BHD to the entire one million J CARD holders. The member cards will be upgraded to the new AEON Member Card that retains some of the previous J CARD benefits plus some added new ones also including all existing accumulated points will be transferred to the new AEON Member Card.Every Members can repla ce their card at the AEON Member Card Customer Service Counter for FREE starting from 15 March 2012 – 30 April 2012. Nonetheless, new members can enjoy a new fee rate at RM24 for a 3 years membership. Besides, AEON stores will also undergo face lifting consistent with the new AEON corporate identity while still retaining the familiar JUSCO feel. All the JUSCO signage and pylon signage will be replaced in phases during the two years rebranding exercise. AEON is ambitious to improve our customer services.The various programs will be initiated in order to increase and upgrade the company's customer services to higher levels. We will ensure and strive to continuously provide our customers with improved and better services. Finally, we at AEON promise to continue deliver a great shopping experience that will enrich our customers' lifestyles. Opportunity In the consistent new growth and a vigorous program of constant renovation at existing market in the region. AEON MALL has now op ened its doors to retailers for the all esteemed organization to be a part of a large business opportunity in AEON MALL's in the future developments.In the well-established retail developer in Japan was rapidly developing in large scale shopping centers in South East Asia countries including Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia and even in China. we have arranged a solid business presentation about our expansion plans in these states. We are in charge of developing businesses and directly involved with the rapid emergence and operations over 60 shopping malls nations over. AEON MALL was looking ahead to aggressive shopping mall development as the AEON Group's core company was responsible to aim sustainable growth.In the same time, we find to strengthen initiatives that will accelerate the pace of openings and the development of sites for this endeavor. From the capacity to open new shopping on the listed countries is frightening. We are pursuing nonstop value improvement. By saying an â€Å"ALL NEW AEON MALL,†. We are making everything new also include renewing on hand shopping malls. This is reflected in the frequency of strong name that AEON MALL commands among many area store companies, which regularly name its malls as desired locations to shop and spend.We intend to open more malls in the near future, with a quickening of pace planned from time to time. Going forward, we will aggressively expand openings of our shopping malls tailored for commercial areas and expanding business opportunities. At accessible shopping malls, AEON MALL is hurrying renovation initiatives in order to increase earnings and achieve projection by enhancing the ability of these facilities to attract customers. Sales at the average shopping mall start to soften a few years after its start business. We will make constant adjustment to maintain the good looks of our malls to customers.In the strong economic growth in this region has also sparked positive economic opp ortunities that to us indicate the dawn of the age of the shopping mall. We intend to further expand our shopping mall development business even further, thereby enhance corporate value. We Regardless domestic or overseas in the AEON MALLs would and should be supported and beloved by local residents continuously. Developer versed in the retailing industry to aim build towns that are indispensible 50 years on or even 100 years into the future always see the things from the customer's standpoint.Finally, we will work on contributing to local communities, creating comfortable and safe shopping malls and even carrying out activities that will pass on a pretty environment to the next generation. We see real market potentials for the mall business for respectable entrepreneurs. In the our policy in going forward is primarily to gain a dominant position in the key markets of Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia and China, while at the same time pursuing development ventures thro ughout the nation.We will also focus on developing new malls over other potential ASEAN region and aiming to increase the number of our facilities or more. Conclusion Aeon Corporation is the successful supermarket in Malaysia. This is because there have the good manager to develop the new idea to managerial the employee in the organization. So that the AEON corporation business also very successful increase every year. This nice results is not a manager have good skill to managerial people, employee also cooperation toward the organization goal can be accomplish.AEON Corporation is the good example to their managerial skill and the ability to do the better and think the good toward the organization. Although, management function such as, planning, organization, leading and controlling, this management function is an important way that show ability of manager can be successful or not to managerial the organization to become successful. But Aeon have today status, is because their man ager have conceptual skill to do all the best toward the organization. This past few year, we can see that the Aeon corporation income statement has beautiful number; it means that Aeon Corporation has earned money.In Melaka everyone will famous that the Aeon this bigger shopping Centre, this will prove the Aeon Corporation to improve their best attitude toward their customer. In the Malaysia normally people famous they think is the think that the customer wants to test it to satisfied their want and need. The best way for the one organization much have training class to all employee to improve himself knowledge to joint in the social and the best attitude to learn moral value to improve personal self-cultivation. Aeon corporation manager already doing the think right to showed their ability in the organization.REFERENCE 1. AEON CO. (M) BHD (2012). History company. Retrieved 13 MARCH 2013, from aeonretail. com. my 2. AEON CO. (M) BHD (2012 ). social responsibility. Retrieved 25 marc h 2013, from http://aeonretail. com. my/ 3. AEON CO. (M) BHD (2012). Management function. Retrieved 20 march 2013, from aeonretail. com. my 4. Wikipedia (2009). AEON. Retrieved 24M ARCH 2013, from Wikipedia. org 5. AEONCR (2013). chairman statement. Annual report AEON 2012  (pp. 18-19). malaysia: AEON publisher credit service

Monday, July 29, 2019

British Cuisine

Some people criticize English nutrient. They say it s impossible, deadening, tasteless, it s french friess with everything and wholly overcooked veggies. The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of spirit that British have nt had to contrive sauces to mask their natural gustatory sensation. What can compare with fresh urines or new murphies merely boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in vino or pick and spices, when with merely one or two herbs it is perfectly delightful? If you ask aliens to call some typically English dishes, they will likely state Fish and french friess so halt. It is dissatisfactory, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in eating houses, because the nutrient does nt impart itself to such readying. English cookery is found at place. So it is hard to a good English eating house with a sensible monetary values. In most metropoliss in Britain you ll happen Indian, Chinese, Gallic and Italian eating houses. In London you ll besides happen Indonesian, Mexican, Greek Cynics will state that this is because English have no culinary art themselves, but this is non rather the true.# 1040 ; # 1085 ; # 1075 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1081 ; # 1089 ; # 1082 ; # 1072 ; # 1103 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1093 ; # 1085 ; # 1103 ;# 1053 ; # 1077 ; # 1082 ; # 1086 ; # 1090 ; # 1086 ; # 1088 ; # 1099 ; # 1077 ; # 1082 ; # 1088 ; # 1080 ; # 1090 ; # 1080 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1102 ; # 1090 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1075 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1081 ; # 1089 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1102 ; # 1077 ; # 1076 ; # 1091 ; . # 1054 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; # 1075 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1086 ; # 1088 ; # 1103 ; # 1090 ; , # 1095 ; # 1090 ; # 1086 ; # 1086 ; # 1085 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1077 ; # 1074 ; # 1086 ; # 1079 ; # 1084 ; # 1086 ; # 1078 ; # 1085 ; # 1072 ; , # 107 3 ; # 1077 ; # 1079 ; # 1074 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1089 ; # 1085 ; # 1072 ; , # 1095 ; # 1090 ; # 1086 ; # 1101 ; # 1090 ; # 1086 ; # 1095 ; # 1080 ; # 1087 ; # 1089 ; # 1099 ; 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Questions: 1. What do aliens state when they criticize English nutrient? 2. Make English people use a batch of sauces? 3. From a alien s point of position, what typically English dishes? 4. Make all English eat in eating houses? 5. What sort of eating houses can you happen in Britain? 6. Is it the true that English have no culinary art? Vocabulary: to knock # 1082 ; # 1088 ; # 1080 ; # 1090 ; # 1080 ; # 1082 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; tasteless # 1073 ; # 1077 ; # 1079 ; # 1074 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1089 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1081 ; overcooked # 1087 ; # 1077 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1081 ; ingredient # 1080 ; # 1085 ; # 1075 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1076 ; # 1080 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1090 ; , # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1072 ; # 1074 ; # 1085 ; # 1072 ; # 1103 ; # 1095 ; # 1072 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; toinvent # 1080 ; # 1079 ; # 1086 ; # 1073 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1090 ; # 1072 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; sauces # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1091 ; # 1089 ; todisguise # 1089 ; # 1082 ; # 1088 ; # 1099 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; spice # 1089 ; # 1087 ; # 1077 ; # 1094 ; # 1080 ; # 1103 ; , # 1087 ; # 1088 ; # 1103 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; herb # 1090 ; # 1088 ; # 1072 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; delightful # 1086 ; # 1095 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1100 ; # 1074 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1089 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1081 ; let downing # 1086 ; # 1073 ; # 1080 ; # 1076 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; tolend # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1072 ; # 1083 ; # 1078 ; # 1080 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; culinary art # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1093 ; # 1085 ; # 1103 ;

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Perspectives on Special Education Needs and Disabilities Essay

Perspectives on Special Education Needs and Disabilities - Essay Example ith students with learning disabilities has also indicated that a recognition of and capitalization on their specific strengths of mind fosters their development, whereas a focus on their specific weaknesses compromises their development. This would be a good guiding principle when dealing with children with all kinds of disabilities. In doing so, their self-esteem is built up and they are empowered to push themselves towards their optimal potentials. Studies such as Levine’s among others have encouraged the provision of education of children with disabilities in order to optimize their potentials. The Salamanca Statement has been influential in that all children have the right to receive an education regardless of their culture and social background (UNESCO, 2005). Concern for children with disabilities has already spread in the UK from the 1970’s thanks to some advocates such as Mary Warnock who raised the issues on helping children with SEN. The Warnock Report in the year 1978 was developed to appraise the provision for children with psychological as well as physical disabilities. The report had sponsored various ranges of abilities, from low-functioning to high functioning, of special needs for children. The report laid the foundations for the issuance of statements of special education need in the UK. Warnock’s committee found that 20% of children in schools have SEN but 2% of this group may need more elaborate services that are not offered by the mainstream school system. Hence, they need to be diagnosed, issued a statement that they are entitled to special needs provision (Douglas Silas Solicitors, 2010). The Warnock Report paved the way for the â€Å"Education Act† which was imposed in the year 1983. This act presented different methods to the description... This paper stresses that in terms of gaining academic skills, one intervention is class-wide peer tutoring. Students are paired, provided the curriculum materials and take turns tutoring each other. To further reinforce the effectiveness of peer tutoring, points may be earned for correct answers, successful error correction and correct procedures. Another strategy is instructional modification wherein the student’s tasks are modified into shorter ones so he can easily complete them because they are more manageable and not overwhelming for his challenged attention span. Finally, computer-assisted instruction, a popular intervention among students today, makes use of computer-based software programs designed to supplement the teacher’s instruction while providing additional academic material. All these interventions have been found to decrease inattentiveness of students with ADHD as well as help them complete their tasks with more accuracy. It has also been found to decr ease hyperactivity, disruptive behavior and increase their compliance to directions. This report makes a conclusion that children with special education needs and disabilities are fortunate to live in an age where their conditions are better understood so there is more likelihood that they will be helped. It is heartening that people from various disciplines as well as the government are concerned enough to reach out to children like them so he can still maximize his potentials, no matter how limited they may be.

The require in the accessory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The require in the accessory - Assignment Example s technological advancement or political pressure or from internal sources such as change in requirements of customers and change due to deterioration of performance. As it has been observed change has gained increased emphasis in an organisational context along with the life of an individual therefore it is considered that change management is a vital tool for controlling change and using it in an effective manner. Broadly speaking, change management is a method that supports change and understand the requirement for change which helps an organisation in overcoming any issues being faced in their business activity (The State of Queensland (Public Service Commission, 2014). Change-hypocrisy is the challenge being faced in the contemporary environment by organisations that involves challenge in initiating change that might be quite important for the organisation. Employees in an organisation have the tendency to resist change as there is a difference in attitude and perception of the people towards change (Urhuogo &Williams, 2011; World Federation of Personnel Management Associations, 2005). The study is primarily focused towards identifying the causes of change hypocrisy along with discussing the causes of change. The study further provides recommendation for the implementation of change management in an organisation. Tesco is a multinational company (MNC) which is specialised in selling groceries and merchandises across various countries. The company was formed in the year 1919 by Jack Cohen and actually came into existence in the year 1924 after Cohen bought a cargo of tea from T. E. Stockwell. The company is headquartered in the United Kingdom and is regarded as one of the leading retailer across the globe. The company has been subjected to many changes from its initial establishment to its present business activity and to be precise change has helped the company to gain greater heights and sustain in the global competitive market. Change management in relation

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Against Abortion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Against Abortion - Research Paper Example Whether the fetus has life or not, pregnancy shows the woman had some level of maturity. The woman has ethical obligations towards the fetus as pregnancy occured knowingly (Cline, 2010). The second reason is the religious values. Christianity and Hinduism believe that all human beings come to earth with a definite purpose. Almost all religions are against abortion except special circumstances. Women want abortion because of social stigma or financial reasons. Each one’s destiny is clearly defined and killing would amount to the process of evolution of that soul (Christianet, 2008). Abortion can be traumatic for a woman which could impact her life at a later stage. Her own conscious would nag her and living with the aftermath of aborting can be devastating for a woman (Christianet, 2008). Abortion is immoral, abortion is unethical, abortion can impact the woman physically, mentally and emotionally and hence under no circumstances should abortion be

Friday, July 26, 2019

Gender equality in islamic Iran Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11500 words

Gender equality in islamic Iran - Coursework Example The methodology adopted is based on history of Islamic laws and policies on gender to compare the status of men and women in the society. This is further elaborated by a classical view, with particular emphasis on the status of women in the Islamic society of Iran and their present day situation outlining the developments that happened through various forms of reformist movements post the Islamic Republic of Iran movement of 1979. Discussion based on our findings from the methodology and approach revolves around the present status of Iranian Women under Islam with a comparison of modern and traditional women. Supporting the voice of modern women, the Convention of human rights laid post Revolution has been discussed. The paper concludes with a summary of the entire research and findings, extending to mention the current happenings in the name of reformist movements in Iran. Limitations of the study have been briefed along with a proposal for another method of studying the presence of gender differences in Iran. Gender, being a social and human concept, ideally does not enter the territory of God. Traditional views of gender roles and relations have persisted in tandem with changes in the status of women both within and outside the family. The realities of women's lives remain unclear and hidden to men and women, and this invisibility persists at all levels from family to the nation. Although men and women seem to coexist on earth, yet, they live in different worlds. They both enjoy different sets of rights, freedom, duties, culture, and even socio-economic status, and these differences cannot be traced to any particular period in history. Though, in front of God, men and women are equal as stated in Qu'ran, and status of women and men also defined with respect to their roles. Shari'a, the Muslim law, defines many differences between the two genders' roles, rights, and obligations. Most of the Islamic women do not enjoy uniform rights with regards to marriage, divorce, civil rights, legal s tatus, dress code, education, though the rules are said to be based on the Islamic holy teachings of Qu'ran. Majority of the social benefits given to women are based on teachings from Qu'ran. Nevertheless, scholars and other

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Drawing and cad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Drawing and cad - Essay Example In addition, engineering drawing helps create a feeling of the real issue being solve and thus is an integral part of the profession that cannot be let go or ignored. AutoCAD is one of the easiest ways of modelling a technical drawing. But, this designing tool has its shortcomings. More often, understanding the different commands in the software and identifying the proper key for any function that needs to be utilized. Modelling of the motor base required good knowledge of the following features: AutoCAD requires the operator to be experienced in several features and skills and know how, when and where to utilize them. I overcame this by constant working on my skills with several drawings to improve on the lessons learnt in class (Oberholzer, 2008).) The most challenging part in drawing the motor base and its accompanying components was during the modelling of the †¦.. Getting the correct profile of the lower part using Solidworks was difficult as the software provides for modifications on the end sketches only. The transitional drafts help as guidelines of the profile. Their guidance on the outline is through picking the association with the guide curves (Pozar, & Schaubert, 1995).) Proper dimensioning of drawing models requires a user to understand the drawing keenly. This includes the main parts of the component and the purpose of the item being denoted. In this case, the object chosen is a motor base. A motor base is a mounting tool for a variety of components to absorb tensional forces. The major part of the motor base was the bracket which was properly dimensioned. The types of dimensioning codes for circular shapes and linear dimensioning for linear distances were utilized (Green, 2007). In creating the drawings from Solidworks, some limitations were identified with the software during dimensioning of the motor plate. The plate component, support steel, being multi dimension displayed an error message upon trying to dimension.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Effect of Music on the Mind and Leaning Abilities Essay

The Effect of Music on the Mind and Leaning Abilities - Essay Example Music is a stimulus perceived by hearing and had been described as the language of the soul on the basis of the properties believed to have effects on emotions and other aspects of a person’s well being such as the cognition, mental action and even leaning capabilities. Based on motivational and therapeutic studies, music can make a person achieve a relaxed feeling and accomplishment. Due to the said effects, music can help a person achieve volition or an â€Å"act of will† that helps in achieving a certain decision, which can be considered as a positive effect (Crowe 142). The effects of music on any form of problematic situation then can be considered as motivation and therapeutic. For that matter, such practice had been recognized to have positive and productive effects and referred to as the music therapy. Due to the observed effect of music, it had been explored and applied to different process to help conditions of the mind and emotion. The said interest then in r elation of the effects of music is the main connection of the study undertaken. That is to be able to concentrate on the research undertaken related to the functions of the mind and the performance of learners upon exposure to measurable and quantifiable musical input.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Human resource management - Essay Example a brief introduction provides an overall view on the business model that Banco has adopted. The discussion then goes on to focus on the Human Resource Management processes adopted and their relevance to the business context. The current role of a centralised HR operation is examined and suggestions are provided to alter it and increase its suitability to the need of the business. The major issues relate to the direct application of the HR organisation, policies and procedures as used in the banking sector without considering the distinct features of call centre management. In conclusion it is pointed out that the bank has used a ‘one size fits all’ approach when the need was to understand the very distinct demands of call centre operations. It is recommended that the bank review the organisation of HR services for the call centre to facilitate its value-addition to the business. Context and Problem Key characteristics The call centre sector has been growing at a fast rat e as an increasing number of companies seek to gain a competitive advantage of outsourcing task-based jobs. Call centres utilize sophisticated technology to provide better service to an increasingly demanding client base. The sector allows companies to provide 24-hour service to a global market. Call centre sector may be set up as a shared service to offer specialized routine services to a larger corporate or to the customer base. The sector is an outcome of organizations to provide superior service to compete effectively. Banco, a mid-sized retail bank has set up a call centre to counter competitive offerings by providing 24-hour service to and improve service levels at reduced cost. The bank has faced the challenge of coming up to speed on the technological demands of this business. Banco has chosen to manage the call centre centrally and opted to use resources that have no experience with that aspect of the business. Banco Call Centre is located in a high employment and economica lly developed area with a booming service economy. Strong HR practices are required to retain the employees because of presence of external job options. The call centre has employed 35% of its staff on a part-time basis. The focus on service is demonstrated in the structure and standards set by the call centre. The call centre has a local team to decide policy issues comprising section heads and a centre manager with no experience in call centre operations. HR policy and procedures are centrally determined by Banco and are considered inappropriate to call centre requirements. The environment in which Banco is competing involves the presence of an increasingly technology-savvy customer who is aware of the competitive offerings in the banking sector and will quickly switch to the offer of better quality, speed of service and accuracy. Service quality is the differentiator in the business and is determined by the availability of sophisticated technology and mature processes. Competitor banks have created a gap by

Is Jekyll And Hyde Just A Gothic Horror Essay Example for Free

Is Jekyll And Hyde Just A Gothic Horror Essay Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is a typical Gothic horror story in the way the novel is written and described. Some people may disagree with this statement because in the Cambridge guide to English literature, Gothic fiction is described as a type of novel or romance popular in the late 18th and early 19th century and the word Gothic had come to mean wild barbarous and crude. Gothic novels were usually set in the past and in foreign countries, they took place in monasteries, castles and dungeons. Plots hinged on suspense and mystery often involving the supernatural. Having read the statement and also Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde some parts of the statement do not agree with the novel, for example, the novel is set in London and there are no castles or dungeons. Where as in Dracula by Bram Stoker and also Frankenstein by Mary Shelley are both set in foreign countries and also in mysterious locations Dracula being set in a castle and Frankenstein in a laboratory. To deal with human nature Stevenson discusses the ideas of Charles Darwin. Around the 19th century Charles Darwin began to write theories of animals and evolution, Stevenson was obviously influenced by these ideas and uses them to describe one of the main characters Mr Hyde. Stevenson also mentions religion when he discusses the ideas of Christian and non-Christian aspects in the novel. Stevenson uses lots of Gothic images, one of the first gothic parts of the novel is the trampling of the young girl. This scene is described as a black winter morning with the word black being very strong in that sentence because it makes the place seem evil and sends a shiver down your spine. The location is Gothic as it gives off a sense of darkness and fear. This is the part of the novel where religion is first mentioned, although it is not part of the Christian area of religion. Stevenson describes Hyde, as a juggernaught when he tramples over the young girl this is very strange considering juggernaught was something associated with the Hindu religion. Another Gothic feature in the novel is the murder of Sir Danvers Carew, two quotations which are Gothic are The bones audibly crunching and The body jumped upon the roadway. These sentences are quite interesting in the way they are described, first the crunching is a good use of an onomatopoeia by Stevenson, as the word crunching is very disturbing and you can almost hear the bones crunching in your head. The second makes you think of a dead body jumping around on the road. This is Gothic because the act that Hyde commits is an evil one, and where it actually takes place is a mysterious and strange location. The meeting of the two men also has an air of mystery surrounding it, as they meet in the dead of night when no one else is around. Stevenson uses the ideas of Darwin to write his description of Hyde, in the novel Hyde is described as an ape ..with ape like fury he clubbed him to the earth. A Gothic location is a place where it is usually dark, dingy and foggy a sinister place that you really would not like to be. For example Draculas castle is a gothic location, because it is old and also because it is dark and mysterious. Many of the locations in the novel are gothic, one of them being the description of Hydes house and the street outside. The novel quotes the fog lifted a little and showed him a dingy street. Then in the same chapter Stevenson describes the front of the dissecting room as a Sinister block of building and two storey high, no window. This house seems mysterious by the way it has no window and it leaves you wondering right from the very start of the novel what is actually inside that building. One of the strange things that I noticed when reading the novel is the description of the surrounding area when Dr Jekyll is there towards the end of the book, the novel quotes Fine clear January day, wet under foot where the frost had melted.,and the Regents park was full of winter chirrupings and sweet with spring odours. This is obviously not Gothic at all but it seems unusual that this is the only location in the novel, which is non-Gothic. It seems strange that Stevenson has decided to change from Gothic into something completely different, which really has no real connection to the story, itself. Human nature features in a number of areas in the novel. One of them is the murder of Sir Danvers Carew, besides being Gothic this has something to say about human nature as well. When Hyde begins to go mad and he kills Carew, the novel quotes all of a sudden, he broke out in a great flame of anger. Here Stevenson is using the element of madness and the ideas of schizophrenia, which was being researched around the 19th century. Stevenson also uses Darwins theories of evolution to describe Hyde as inhuman, with ape-like fury. Here the message that Stevenson is trying to give about human nature is that humans have the will and the power to kill something and each other. Stevenson also looks at the idea of split personalities; nearly every character has one. Dr Jekyll is the best example because his character is full of good and evil, when he turns into Hyde he is just pure evil. So when Jekyll loses control he changes from himself into Hyde. Stevenson is saying here that evil is more powerful than good in humans and that is why Hyde overpowers Jekyll, because he is pure evil. In the opening chapter of the novel when Hyde is first mentioned when he tramples over that girl .the man trampled calmly over the childs body then Hyde decides to pay à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100, we screwed him up to one hundred pounds. Hyde does this instead of apologising to keep the family quiet. This is another example of human nature where some people including Hyde try to pay their way out of trouble. Overall, I feel what Stevenson is trying to say about human nature is that all humans have vices such as drinking and gambling. The creation of Hyde allows Jekyll to do what he wants, when he wants and hopefully he will not get caught. Jekyll does not want to have his reputation ruined, so that is why he creates Hyde so he can do all these things. Stevenson is saying that humans have pessimistic views so they will act evil to get away with something. In conclusion, I think that this novel is a Gothic horror story, but also does have something to say about human nature. Stevenson does mention human nature in the novel as I have discussed previously, for example the trampling of the girl and the murder of Danvers Carew. Of course, the novel could not have discussed human nature if Stevensons wife, Fanny had not been involved. In Jenni Calders introduction to Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Calder writes Stevenson dreamt the essentials of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It was initially the Gothic aspect of the story that excited him. Fanny didnt like it, she felt there was more potential for more than just a mere horror story, that it might have something to say about human nature. Overall, the human nature aspect of the novel, makes the story more interesting.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Thermodynamics Paper Essay Example for Free

Thermodynamics Paper Essay Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that studies the effects of changes in temperature, pressure, and volume on physical systems at the macroscopic scale by analyzing the collective motion of their particles using statistics. The term thermodynamics was coined by James Joule in 1858 to designate the science of relations between heat and power. The starting point for most thermodynamic considerations are the laws of thermodynamics, which postulate that energy can be exchanged between physical systems as heat or   work.   They also postulate the existence of a quantity named entrope, which can be defined for any system. In thermodynamics, there are four laws of very general validity, and as such they do not depend on the details of the interactions or the systems being studied. They are: zeroth law of thermodynamics, stating that thermodynamic equilibrium is an equivalence relation; first law of thermodynamics, about the conservation of energy; second law of thermodynamics, about entropy; third law of thermodynamics, about absolute zero temperature. An important concept in thermodynamics is the system. A system is the region of the universe under study. A system is separated from the remainder of the universe by a boundary which may be imaginary or not, but which by convention delimits a finite volume. The possible exchanges of work, heat, or matter between the system and the surroundings take place across this boundary. There are five dominant classes of systems: Isolated Systems, Adiabatic Systems, Diathermic Systems, Closed Systems, Open Systems. Thermodynamics describes how systems respond to changes in their surroundings. This can be applied to a wide variety of topics in science and engineering, such as engines, phase transitions, chemical reactions, transport phenomena, and even black holes. The results of thermodynamics are essential for other fields of physics and for chemistry, engineering, cell biology and material science.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Electronic Company Sales and Recruitment

Electronic Company Sales and Recruitment Elec company is specialized in importing and distributing electronic and electrical products in Sri Lanka market. Their product range consist of television, home theater systems, digital cameras, kitchen appliances, refrigerators, gas burners and ovens, washing machines and personal computers. The organization wants to make use of their promotional effort to the maximum so that they are planning to come up with an integrated marketing promotions to support the selling activities. Company is going to develop the sales structure and required to add few more people there to support the expansion. They wont to set sales targets for representatives, come up with a plan to recruit new positions to the sales function, develop a benefit package for them, introduce sales package for them, introduce techniques to co ordinate and control sales procedures for the company. In this report there is a sales plan to the company and there are some suggestions to expand sales. First explained about the personal selling to support the personal mix and analysis the role of the sales team within the marketing strategy. Then revised their sales strategies in line with the cooperate objectives. Then explained the appropriate recruitment strategies and selection procedure. The role of motivation for field sales representatives, remuneration package and training in sales management. Explained the sales structure, territorial design, sales recordings and methods to control sales activities. After that explained how sales representative could make use of database in setting effective sales management programmed. Then developed a sales plan to promote electronic and electrical items. Finally investigate the opportunities for using exhibitions or trade fairs to promote the electronic and electrical items to the target customers. Introduction Elec Company is specialized in importing and distributing Electronic and Electrical products in Sri Lankan market. Their Products range consist of Televisions, Home theater systems, Digital cameras, Kitchen appliances, Refrigerators, Gas burners and ovens, Washing machines and Personal computers. Currently it is covering the main cities in the country with ten sales representatives. They all report to one sales manager who is located in the head office. They go on filed visits and make sales to B2B shops which are operating all over Sri Lanka. Some times their sales trips spring to two or three days in filed, before they make the next sales visit. But, their selling tasks within the company are not properly organized. In many occasions, they met together, since there is no proper field visit scheduling done. Sales records are poorly maintained. The company wants to restructure their business operations and align the sales operations to match with the organizational objective. The company wants to streamline the sales channel and expand the business operations to achieve the organizations corporate objective. The company is willing to implement a proper planning and monitoring system to have a better quality sales operation and to increase the profitability. Personal selling Personal selling is where businesses use the sales force to sell the product after meeting face-to-face with the customer. The sellers promote the product through their attitude, appearance and specialist product knowledge.  They aim to inform and encourage the customer to buy, or at least trial the product. A good example of personal selling is found in department stores on the perfume and cosmetic counters.   A customer can get advice on how to apply the product and can try different products.   Products with relatively high prices, or with complex features, are often sold using personal selling.   Great examples include cars, office equipment and many products that are sold by businesses to other industrial customers. Point-of-sale merchandising can be said to be a specialist form of personal selling.   POS merchandising involves face-to-face contact between sales representatives of producers and the retail trade.   A merchandiser will vis it a range of suitable retail premises in his/her area and encourage the retailer to stock products from a range.   The visit also provides the opportunity for the merchandiser to check on stock levels and to check whether the product is being displayed optimally. Advantages of personal selling are high customer attention; message is customized, interactivity, persuasive impact, potential for development of relationship, adaptable and opportunity to close the sale. Organization sell and customer buyer behavior in relation to purchase decisions Digital crameras and the washing machines products that selling at the Elec company. People buying Digital crameras and the washing machines for different purposes. First we have to identify the purposes of the customers before selling products. Digital crameras are mostly needed for the younger generation and photographers. But when we come to the washing machines, mostly it is important for women. Then the company have to use different ways to advertise their products. When the company is going to advertise for the washing machines, it is better to put those advertisements in a womens news paper rather than putting that advertisement in other newspapers. When selling digital crameras it is little bit different. When the company selling digital crameras it is better to advertise in commercial magazines than womens magazines. Washing Machine Buyers Digital crameras Washing machines are house hold items . It is already use in houses. When people wants to get a washine mechines they mainly focused about the price and the facilities in that. Consumers are individuals, households or businesses who use the products. Consumer characteristics vary from country to country. Therefore it has become challenging task for marketer to understand the need, buying behaviour of consumer before developing product and marketing program. It has been found that the consumers decision making process is influenced by Usability aspect. Here the peer group pressure, Promises, Digital Processing, Flash, Location services, Cost of service Spare parts cost combined together affect the consumer to decide while purchasing a digital camera. The feature of the product is next important factor that heavenly influences the buying decision of the consumer. Here the consumer pays a great attention towards features like Picture quality, Zoom facility memory of the camera. The accessories have become an important factor in purchasing a digital camera. Apart from the features, the customer is very much interested in other add-on  like colour, carriage bag, weight trendiness of the camera. Other factors that are crucial in decision making while purchasing digital camera are service, value for money promotional schemes. Price has not emerged out as a very crucial factor for the consumers. The consumers give more weight age to usability features of the product in comparison with price. Promotional schemes like discounts emerged out as the least important factor for the consumers. Role of the sales team The sales team is responsible for researching and analyzing the business and the market. Using the information gathered, the marketing plan, budget and key performance indicators are developed. Action plans are devised and the marketing strategy is implemented. The marketing department measures and reports on the results of the marketing strategy. Staff in the marketing department train staff in other departments so they are conscious of current campaigns. The purpose of their activity is to manage the four Ps of marketing. The aim is to stimulate demand for the business goods and services and to generate leads. Leads are customers who are likely to make a purchase. Leads are identified by collecting the details of people who contact the business to ask about products or services, or by gathering details of prospective customers from online surveys, competition entries or newsletter subscriptions. Lists of potential customers can be purchased and classified into ranges of income, loc ation and purchasing preferences. The marketing department can analyze their customer database to highlight customers and their preferences, those who make regular purchases or those who are due for upgrades or replacements. After raising interest and demand for the products and services, the leads that are generated are passed on to the sales department. Leads are people who may make a purchase. It is up to sales staff to contact people, identify their needs and help them make a purchasing decision. Sales staff deal directly with customers and they must build a good relationship. Sales staff also deal with people who walk in off the street or contact the business through their website. The role of sales staff is to make sure the business gets a return from its investment in marketing and to turn demand into sales. Corporate Sales Planning Elec is having multiple ranges of electrical and electronic home appliances to meet with different needs of the families. Company management is more focused on building a business which is sustainable and more profitable for the stake holders. Further they want to have the brand presence as well. The company vision is more focused on creating better values for their end users, sellers and other stakeholders. Further the company is looking for the growing opportunities with business expansion and new sales force recruitment. Moreover the company should develop and competitive environment for the target market to choose Elec products over the competitor brands. Elec management should understand the corporate objectives of their organization clearly and should develop the sales planning accordingly. The sales force management in the Elec Company seems to be very weak and the company is not having and efficient tracking system on the employee customer visit plans. The company is in a position where they have to make strong call on how they are going to manage their sales planning and client management. Elec as a importer and supplier of house hold electronics and electrical thorough out the country, the company should understand the need for designing a sales plan with clear reporting and account management guidelines. As the company is managing a considerable amount of resellers its will be better to change the sales representatives roles to Key Account Managers. Key account managers will be assigned with different shop owners who could be taken care by the respective account managers. Each shop will be considered as separate accounts. The account manager will be responsible to handle any queries related to the accounts under his observations. When the company is designing the account managers reporting lines it can have a 2 layer or 3 layer reporting line. The overall sales and distribution operation would be handled by the country head for sales. And he can have three Senior Sales managers reporting to him, who will be responsible to handle the account managers. The account management can be differentiated into two main criteria. The first criteria would be the large resellers who by more than certain quantity every year. The company can check their past sales records and list the top 25 B2B buyers as the Key Accounts of the company. And the Key accounts can be handled by the Key account managers while the other B2B customers can be handled by the other customer account managers. Among the 3 senior sales managers one manager should handle the Key account Managers who will be handling the main customer accounts of the company while the other 2 senior managers could handle the other customer account operations. When assigning the account managers to the resellers other than the key account managers, the company may practice a territorial approach. This will help the company to plan their sales operations effectively. Same way the company can divide their key accounts into 3 or 4 territories which will make the client management and customer visits more convenient. Company can figure out the compatible staff from the current sales force and promote them as key account managers. If they give the internal staff, the opportunity to handle the key accounts, it will be much convenient for the company to have the rapport with the existing customer hence they already have some kind of relationship among them. Proposed Hierarchy of the Sales Department at Elec Company Country Head Country head for sales should be responsible for overall sales planning and budgeting of the department. The country head will be a member of the senior management team and will have the sales planning with the corporate objectives. He will play a major role in communicating the overall organizational expectations with the sales unit staff. He should have the capacity to develop a sales design and make rapid decisions based on the customer and corporate demands. Senior Manager Key Accounts Senior Key accounts Manager will be handling a team of Key account managers who will be responsible for delivering the set profit targets and achieving the organizational goals. Further the managers will be responsible to manage the account managers reporting to him and to provide them better guidance in delivering satisfactory performance. Further the senior account manager will also have occasional liaisons with the key clients. Senior Manager Customer Accounts Management Senior Manager will be responsible for handling the staff directly reporting to him and growing the unit performance. Also increasing the profitability of the sales team will be a major goal of the manager. Managers will also handle the customer grievances and provide professional guidance to the team members in personality development and business development. Key Accounts Manager Key account managers will have the direct liaison with the key customers assign to them and increase the companys profitability and developing the brand presence in the assigned region. Also they will be responsible to retain the customers and grow the portfolio size. Customer Account Managers The customer account managers will be responsible to handle the customer accounts of the company from the assigned territorial limits. The Account will be handled in terms of increasing sales and convincing the accounts to promote the Elec products over the competitor products. Also the Account managers will be responsible to have sustainable account management and relationships with the customers. Restructuring the sales department should be planned properly as the changes take place in the company to avoid the staff getting the wrong message. The company should give the existing staff more priority for the appropriate positions. And the company should have a clear change management strategy in the role changes and planning. Human Resources Management Human resources management functions related to the sales department will include staff retention, employees welfare management and motivation, recruitment and selection, training and development and Employees Evaluations and other activities related to the staff management. Human Resources Planning for the Sales Unit Human resources planning process involves identifying the need for human capital against the organisational goals and current human capital strengths. Any company in the market should do a human resources planning in order to have a competitive human resources and enjoy the economies of scale. Any decision on recruitment should be made only if the necessity is found through a human resources planning activity, if not the recruitment may be a burden for the organisations future. At Elec, as the company is planning on expansions and growth, the company is in need for more staff to match the need of the sales expansions and adoption of new customer accounts. Human resources planning will have several sensitive steps which need to be carried out with strategic thoughts and information. Evaluating the organisational goals and objectives This should be found from the top management decisions and needs. Identifying the need of human resources (Human resources Demand) The company HR should negotiate with the line managers and middle managers on the need of employees for the achievement of set objectives. The need can be identified by the average productivity assumptions. Identifying the currently human resources availability (Human resources Supply) Gather information from the HRIS or from departmental managers and payroll system on the availability of staff power. And the skills of the employees should be also identified. Evaluating the gap between supply and demand. The management should evaluate the gap existing with the demand and supply of human resources and the skills. Planning the strategies to meet the required human resources level. If the supply and demand is matching the company could focus on training and developing the employees to achieve the goals. If the company has staff surplus, it should implement strategies to downsize the human capital, if not they can reduce the working hours of the employees or prepare rosters for working. But the company may focus on new account adoption and increase the targets of the staff that are with little portfolios. If the company has a staff shortage the company can increase the working hours of the staff and pay overtime or if the need is a long term oriented, they can recruit new employees. Also they can outsource few functions which are not core activities of the business. Implementation of the plan and monitoring the process as a continuous cycle. The activities planned should be implemented and monitored to assure the execution aligns with the planning. And the planning process is a recurrent process which needs to be carried out frequently to assure the human capital is utilised effectively. The above HR planning process should be carried out on a frequent manner to understand the companys sales departments position based on the human resources need. This will help the managers to understand the over heads and shortfalls in the unit. Recruitment and Selection Process The need for recruitment would be identified through an effective HR planning process. ELEC should make their recruitment decisions by carrying out HR Planning activity. If the recruitment is done just for the request of the department managers the company may have to suffer unnecessary financial losses. The recruitment and selection process of the company should be strategically designed to match with the company culture and the industry they operate in. Recruitment and selection process may have the following steps in general. Analysing the vacancy identifying the job role and specialities need for the job role. Analysing the skills and qualifications expected to meet the vacancy. Identify the personality needed from the individual for the position vacancy. Identifying the recruitment method whether the company is planning to fill the vacancy from the internal staff or looking from outside. The company can call applications though education and professional bodies, via referrals and public advertising, etc. Selection process Screening the applications received to identify the qualified candidates. Preliminary interviews for the shortlisted candidates Exams/tests related to the job for the successful candidates Next level of interviews Reference checking and background analysis Offer of employment Acceptance by the employee and employment contract. Induction Evaluation of the Selection process The above procedures could be followed by the ELEC to recruit a suitable candidate for the vacancies. Elec can recruit staff with experience in the same industry and can attract staff members from their competitors by giving better benefits for their staff members. Selecting and recruiting the most suitable candidates will help the company to have a committed staff force who will help the company in achieving the competitive advantage over the competitors. Employees Motivation Elec Company should implement a better employee motivation system as the current system in the company is not very competitive to have a satisfied and motivated sales force. In order to have a motivated sales team the company should focus to develop a satisfied sales force and then motivating the sales team. If the company invests on employee motivations without achieving the employee satisfaction the company many suffer unnecessary losses. The company should make the employees to feel that they are being taken cared by the company and if they perform more the company will reward for their additional contribution. Company should take initiatives to hear the employee grievances and provide proper solutions to match their needs. The company can include employee protection schemes with insurance benefits and health protection for the staff and immediate family members. Also the company should introduce a competitive rewarding scheme based on the account management profits generated by each account manager. This will give them the motivation to focus on increasing the sales and build a strong business portfolio for their benefits and organizations benefit. In addition Elec can introduce a sales tracking mechanism which will provide the staff real time updates on their portfolio position and how their monthly incentives are going to be. Also if the company can introduce Tabs or laptops for the sales staff to have communication medium with the head office and to see the stock in demand and orders to the stores based on the clients needs. This will reduce the companys operational cost on communication medium though the initial investment may look higher. Further the company should have employee get together, family outings and special value adding rewards such as MDs awards to recognize the employees for their extraordinary contribution to the company growth. In addition to the above the company should invest more on the employees training and development. This will help the employees to have a trust on the company. Also they will be happy to see themselves growing within the company. Marketing Mix and Business Development Company should develop a marketing mix based on the corporate strategy of the company. The marketing mix will focus on the competitive advantage over the competitors. The Elec products are tangible and the consumers always want to have key benefits and values to be matched for the money they pay. Elec should evaluate the cost benefits before designing the marketing mix of the company. The marketing mix will be more focused of reaching the shop owners than the end users as the shop owners will be focused on sales growth to end users. Elec should build good rapport with the shop owners and identify the product movement style and analyze the best markets places for the range of products they have. They should provide the right products and the right quantity to the right shop to avoid returns of the goods which will cost extra on transport. Further the company should fix a price which will give better yield for itself, shop owners and cost advantage for the end users. Also they should match their prices with the main competitors to win in the price competition. The Company will have their main stores based on the head office and distribute the goods every fortnight based on the orders received. This system will help them to enjoy the cost advantage again without having many distribution centers. The market placing will be done through the account managers to the shops they manage. And the end users can buy the products from the shops hence the company doesnt need to meet the end user directly. Further the company could train the shop technical staff on the repairs and damage complain handling which will help Elec to have a professionalism in the shop level as well in treating the customers fairly. Also this will help the shops to be satisfied with the support given by Elec. Promotional activities related to the product range will be handled by the Elec corporate office. The promotional activities of the company will have 2 phases where one phase will be focused on the shops and the other phase will be focused on the end users. The public media advertising will have more focus on the general public and end users. But the advertisements done for the end users may have considerable influence on the decision making of the shop owners as well; hence the message received from the media will create a stereo typing on the shop owners mind. The company will carry out personal marketing to the shop owners with the support of the technical sales team and the account manager. Also the senior managers will be getting involved in negotiating the wholesales pricing and the profit margins with the shop owners. International movement of the company is pretty competitive. As the company is still focusing on establishing the brand in Sri Lanka they should do a feasibility study on the competitiveness and profit advantage of entering a new international market. Participating in Trade fairs will help the company to meet the end users in the selected area and identify the real needs and demands of the end users than they learning from an intermediary. Also they can learn about the influences of the other brand in the customer decision making process. Conclusions In summary Elec should develop a sales plan focused on account management concept and differentiate the account based on the profitability and turnover. The high profitable accounts will be managed by the key account managers and the other accounts should be managed by the customer account managers. The company may have to invest more on developing a professional account management team. Further the company has to invest in recruiting the best candidates and training them. The marketing mix of the company should be restructured to match the organizational overall expectation and the company can have products distribution strategies to match the regional demands. Also the whole sale pricing should be negotiated with the key customers and the senior managements involvement is much appreciated on this. Also the company moving international is not recommendable at this point of time hence the company is in need of more cash to stabilize themselves in the local market.